MPZ Replaces Residential Park District (§ 115)

§ 115-132 Purpose.

In order to encourage planned vacation, retirement and general residential park developments which are compatible with the surrounding area and are economically feasible and to achieve the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, the Vacation-Retirement-Residential-Park District (VRP District) is hereby established.

§ 115-133 Superimposed district; effect on other provisions.

A. To enable the district to operate in harmony with the plan for land use and population density embodied in these regulations, the VRP District is created as a special district to be superimposed on other districts contained in these regulations and is to be so designated by a special symbol for its boundaries on the Zoning District Map.

B. Uses for this district shall be determined by the requirements and procedure set forth in this article and shall prevail over other regulations or ordinances governing the subdivision of land which may be in conflict herewith.

§ 115-134 Minimum district area; leasing of lots.

A.  The minimum area for a VRP District shall be 25 acres. In calculating the minimum area for a district, measurement shall not include the area of any streets or roads.

B.  The lots in a VRP District shall be leased and shall not be sold as lots as long as said land remains within a VRP District.

§ 115-135 Required procedures; completion dates for stages of development.

A. Procedures for establishment of a VRP District and approval and amendment of site plans are contained in Article XXVIII. Before any application is filed, the applicant shall hold an informal conference with the Commission. The Park shall follow all applicable procedures, standards and requirements of the ordinances and regulations governing the subdivision of land. No building permit shall be issued until a final plot of the proposed park or part thereof is approved, filed and recorded.

B. A date or dates for the completion of certain stages of development of the park may be established by the Commission, provided that such date or dates shall be set after taking into consideration various factors, such as the state of the economy, the going rate of interest, the market acceptance of the park, the size of the park and the quantity and quality of the proposed facilities, including roads and the water and sewer system.

§ 115-136 Review standards; conditions.

A. The Commission shall evaluate the park by the standards of the Comprehensive Plan and recognized principles of civic design, land use planning and landscape architecture.

B. The Commission may impose conditions regarding the layout, circulation and performance of the park and, where applicable, may require that appropriate deed restrictions be filed and recorded, enforceable by the Commission, for a period of 20 years from the date of recording.

§ 115-137 Types and sizes of dwellings.

[Amended 1-9-1990 by Ord. No. 647; 10-12-2010 by Ord. No. 2152]

A. Completely factory-built manufactured homes no less than 660 square feet and no more than 1,570 square feet in size and not more than 14 feet in height, hereinafter referred to as "manufactured homes," excluding porches, decks, breezeways and the like, and completely factory-built modular homes no less than 1,000 square feet in size and no more than 18 feet in height, hereinafter referred to as "modular homes," shall be permitted in the park. The word "dwellings," as used in this article, as the text requires, shall refer to both types of homes.

B. The size and height of a manufactured home or a modular home shall be determined as of the date it is originally moved into the park and shall be based on the dimensions as received from the manufacturer.

§ 115-138 Minimum lot area; irregularly shaped lots; markers.

A. The minimum area of all lots shall be no less than 5,500 square feet, with a minimum width of 50 feet for all typical lots. Atypical or irregular-shaped lots shall be of such size as shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon submission of a survey therefor.

[Amended 1-9-1990 by Ord. No. 647]

B. Corners of all lots shall be visibly marked and numbered by a permanent marker.

§ 115-139 Additional requirements.

A. There shall be no more than one dwelling and one accessory structure on any one lot.

B. Manufactured homes may be placed on lots immediately adjacent to other manufactured homes. Modular homes may be placed on lots immediately adjacent to other modular homes. A modular home may be placed on a lot immediately adjacent to a manufactured home; however, a manufactured home may not be placed on a lot immediately adjacent to a modular home.[1]

[Amended 10-12-2010 by Ord. No. 2152]

[1] Editor's Note: Original Subsection 3, which restricted the area that a dwelling plus accessory structure can occupy and which immediately followed this subsection, was deleted 1-9-1990 by Ord. No. 647.

C. No part of any dwelling or any accessory structure shall be closer than 25 feet to any front boundary line. Steps with related landing, not exceeding 28 feet of lot coverage, may project four feet into the required setback.

[Amended 11-28-1989 by Ord. No. 639; 3-18-1997 by Ord. No. 1128]

D. No part of any dwelling, addition or accessory structure shall be closer than two feet to any side or five feet to any rear boundary line; provided, however, that no part of any dwelling, addition or accessory structure shall be closer than 15 feet to any other dwelling, addition or accessory structure.

[Amended 1-9-1990 by Ord. No. 647; 3-18-1997 by Ord. No. 1128]

E. Central sewer and water supply facilities and electric connections shall be provided.

F. All streets in the park shall have a right-of-way of at least 40 feet. No less than 24 feet in width of the streets shall be paved with three coats of surface treatment (tar and chip) and shall be properly lighted. Additional road improvements, if required by the Commission, shall be provided for proper and sufficient drainage.

G. Access to the park shall be from a major thoroughfare and shall be at least 50 feet in width. The number and location of access drives shall be controlled for traffic, safety and protection of surrounding properties. No lot shall be designed for direct access to a street outside the boundaries of the park.

H. The topography of the lots shall be such as to facilitate rapid drainage, and adequate drainage facilities shall be provided.

I. Open spaces or areas left in their natural state shall be provided within the park at a ratio of 300 square feet minimum per lot.

J. The park shall be surrounded by a landscaped strip of open space at least 50 feet in width.

K. Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided on each lot.

L. Small retail businesses intended primarily for occupants of the park shall be permitted within the park area. Grocery stores, automatic laundries, beauty shops and similar uses are appropriate.

M. The occupier of each lot in the park shall provide receptacles for trash and garbage which shall be so located and kept as not to be generally visible from any interior road in the park, except on days when such receptacles may be placed out for purposes of collection only.

§ 115-140 Closed district.

[Added 12-12-1989 by Ord. No. 643]

As of the date of adoption of this amendment, the VRP District shall be considered a closed district and shall not be applied to any additional lands in Sussex County. The district and its various provisions and regulations shall continue to exist as they apply to a VRP District legally established under the procedures of this chapter.