
There isn't a "Right way"

Regardless of what you may have been told, there is not a "right way" to live your life. Everyone's journey is different and everyone takes different paths. At SUSE, we recognize that our differences are what makes us so perfect to work together and be part of the same vision and mission. 

Through the Early Career Mentorship Program, we aim to help girls and young women explore their own talents and interests. Through this 10 week program, you will be introduced to a variety of people and have the opportunity to learn about how you can turn what you love into what you do.

Feedback from our Participants

"I always associated 'tech' with a man behind a computer. Now I know it is so much more!"

"I was scared of pursuing Biology because there aren't many women biologists - now I am confident in being what I want!" 

"Before this program, my only plan for the future was to be a teacher."

"The program led to an internship opportunity for me. Thank you for the program - it taught me a lot!"

"I went to the optional sessions and learned to build a resume and learned to interview. This was also my first time presenting. Thank you!" 

About the program

The SUSE Women in Tech (WIT) Early Career Mentorship Program is a Mentoring Program that focuses on providing the high school and college aged daughters, nieces, cousins, and friends of SUSE employees with a real connection in the tech world.

This program provides a structured approach for young women to understand more about working in and for a technology company in both technical and non-technical roles, as well as developing critical business skills.


Contact us

Contact the Early Career Mentorship Program Staff with any questions or comments.

Katerina Arzhayev : katerina.arzhayev@suse.com


SUSE is an opensource technology company based in Germany. A large part of the cultural values of this company is the knowledge that diversity and inclusion matter. 

Women in Tech

Employee resource groups like Women in Tech (WIT) aim to empower and equip every woman within the network with access to learning & development opportunities so they can advance their careers in technology.