For Mentees

We look forward to welcoming you!

What is a mentorship program?

A mentorship program connects you, a mentee, with an individual more experienced than you who can help guide your personal and professional journeys. Through SUSE's program, you will be able to connect with your mentor and they will introduce you to other people in their network who match your interests.

What can I expect once I complete the form to sign up?

That's great news! Keep an eye on your inbox for invitations to the Mentee kick off and the Program kick off. These events are scheduled in advance and will provide you with all the information you need.

How do I pick my mentor?

On October 5th, the Program will be kicked off with a Speed Networking event. Mentors and Mentees will have the opportunity to meet each other. Afterwards, everyone will complete a form where they rank who they would like to be paired with. At this point, you also have the opportunity to let us know if you would prefer to meet someone in your timezone to make future meetings easier.

Will meetings be during my school/work hours?

We will do our best to ensure everyone can attend the kick off and finale meetings. SUSE is lucky to have employees in all time zones, but this does make scheduling difficult. If you are unable to attend, reach out to the program staff and we will work with you.

When it comes to you and your mentor's meetings - you are responsible for scheduling these calls during a time when you can attend, so be sure to communicate clearly and you will have a wonderful time.

Do I have to meet once a week?

When it comes to you and your mentor's meetings - you are responsible for scheduling these calls. Work with your mentor to understand how often and when you would like to meet.

We recommend once a week for 30 minutes, but use your discretion.

Will I have to present?

For the finale, all mentees will present a few slides on what they learned. Don't worry, this is a light, super fun virtual event where you have the opportunity to put into practice all you have learned.
