
How do the dice work?

Mods will keep your stat sheet safe and set it up for you, all you'll have to do is refer to it when you are asked to make a roll.

Every cat in Sunset Plains has six stats that can be improved up to 100 points.

All kittens are born with a 1 in each stat.

The six stats are below:


How well others like you


How creative you are


How smart you are


How good your senses are


How fast you are


How strong you are

Modifiers apply to each stat based on how high or low it is.

The modifiers are as follows:

This means all newborn kits will have a -2 modifier to everything.

1-5 = -2
6-15 = -1
16-20 = 0
21-40 = +1
41-60 = +2
61-80 = +3
81-99= +4
100 = +5

There are twenty-one skills your cat can have rolls based on and they all fall into one of the stat categories.

They are as follows:

CHA: Charming, Intimidation, Leadership
CRE: Carving, Crafting, Performance, Weaving
INT: Herb Application, Herb Identification, Religion
INN:  Hearing, Scent, Sight, Stealth
SPD: Athletics, Reaction Time, Running, Swimming
STR: Biting, Grappling, Scratching 


As a kit, you will gain one free bonus point per moon but there will be rare instances where you may be awarded a point. You can earn one additional point max per moon. Kits get two chances per day to roll for their point. After earning your point, you may still roll for things, you just cannot earn another point until the next moon.

As an apprentice, you will be earning points left and right! You need points in order to rank up. It is required that apprentices are at least 15 moons old and have at least 10 points in three stats to rank. You will earn the bulk of your points from patrols. Apprentices can earn up to 3 points each time they do something that would grant them a stat boost. A d3 will be rolled to determine if the character earns 1, 2, or 3 points. Apprentices are capped at 3 points per moon and get one chance per day to pass a roll to earn their d3. To earn the max amount of points per moon, a character can have any combination of stat gains that add to 3. If they go over the 3 point cap, the extra points will be ignored. Apprentices will also gain a bonus point each moon just like kits, this is not part of the 3 point cap.

Once you've ranked up, you can earn points with no limit (until you are an elder). You will only be able to earn 1 point per successful roll per day. Adult cats get only one chance to earn their daily point. Adult cats do get to claim an extra point on age-up day as well.


Once a character reaches 20 in a stat, they can add a +1 bonus to any skill in that stat.

Every 10 points in a stat after 20 (ex: 30, 40, 50, etc), a +1 bonus may be added to any skill in that stat. These can stack.

A mod will contact you when you have received a bonus to ask you where you would like that bonus placed!

 When in an encounter or completing a task with their mentor, if they ask for help, the apprentice can gain a +1 to their next roll. 

A cat may pray using their religion skill to a god that aligns with the skill of their chosen action. If a 15 or more is rolled, the god will grant that cat a +1 to their next roll using that action. A natural 20 on a prayer roll will gain the character a permanent extra +1 on the religion skill.

If all members of the server submit for their free points on the moon, a die will be rolled to give one lucky character an extra point! This point is only able to be obtained by a character once, so if they win, they can never again win. This will be marked on your character's stat sheet with the date they obtained this bonus point. 


If a cat does not have a certain sense (sight, hearing, scent), they can never add bonuses to that sense, and they have a permanent -5 in the bonus for that skill.

Half blind or half deaf characters get a -3 in their bonus for that sense.

Characters with short tails (from injury or birth) get a -2 bonus for climbing.

Other negative bonuses may apply (from events such as severe injuries, arthritis, etc)

If a cat reaches elder age and their health declines, these negative bonuses will go into effect.

Once a character reaches elder age, their INN, SPD, and STR cap at 60. This means any stat with a value of over 60 will decrease to 60. Bonuses will remain. You can continue to earn CHA, CRE, and INT up to 100. 


Healer NPCs generally prefer high INT

Warrior NPCs generally prefer high STR

Hunter NPCs generally prefer high SPD

Crafter NPCs generally prefer high CRE

Kitwatcher NPCs generally prefer high INN

All NPCs are more inclined to like characters with higher CHA


Kits: In order for a kit to rank up into an apprentice, the kit must have a total of 8 earned stat points. The stats they are born with do not count as earned. These 8 can be across all stats or all in one, as long as they have 8 total, they will rank on their sixth moon. 

If they do not have 8 points yet, don't worry, you have until the kit is 10 moons old to get the points. When a kit reaches 10 moons and does not have enough points to rank, they will die in the way you indicated in their bio.

Mentors will be chosen by staff based on personality and stats.

Apprentices: In order for an apprentice to rank up and receive their full name, they must have 10 or more points in three stats and be 15 moons or older. These stats do not have to align with the role they are training to become.

Apprentices get until they are 22 moons old to acquire enough points to rank. When an apprentice reaches 22 moons and does not have enough points to rank, they will die in the way you indicated in their bio.

Elders: In order for anyone to become an elder, they must either have an extreme injury that prevents them from doing their job or reach the retirement age of 80 moons.

Upon retirement, your stats will decrease as stated above in the NEGATIVE BONUSES AND STAT CAPS section.

Becoming a Mentor: A cat is eligible to become a mentor when they have 20 or more points in their role's preferred stat (see PREFERENCES above). Your cat can only become a mentor if you are not on hiatus and have earned 15 or more bones during the current season.

Staff will make a ticket and approach you if they are interested in making your character a mentor. You may decline or accept the offer. If you are inactive with your apprentice, you will run the risk of losing them.

All NPCs are moved to this sheet upon death, PCs are only moved if their owner is still in the group. Upon leaving the group, an ex-member's PC stat sheets will be deleted.