General Rules

general rules

Age and Maturity

All members of Sunset Plains must be 15 years old or older. No NSFW, including extreme gore and sexual content, will be allowed. Explicit images and sexually charged messages will get you banned. You can disclose your age at your own discretion. The only time staff might ask would be to clarify whether you are an adult or minor. You will be banned if we discover you are under the age of 15.

Keep language respectful of others. Swearing is permitted unless it targets another individual. Keep joking matters lighthearted. When you think your message may be misconstrued, remember to add a tone tag! Hate of any kind, including but not limited to homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, racism, and sexism, will not be tolerated and will get you banned. Hiding behind tone tags when being hateful or inappropriate will get you banned. 

Be aware of other member's boundaries. Do not make jokes at someone else's expense unless you are certain they are comfortable with it. If you are asked to stop by someone and do not stop upon their request, disciplinary action will result based on severity.

Keep sensitive personal topics (abuse, assault, harassment, or sexual activities, etc) out of Sunset Plains. We do not have a vent channel and will not be adding one.

Put a spoiler on any text or images that could potentially be sensitive. If you are uncertain, put one on just in case.
Not spoiling or warning about sensitive content will receive a warning and your post may be deleted! Repeated offenses can result in a ban. 

Any questions regarding topic appropriateness can be asked in tickets! You are always better to ask first if something is allowed.

Overall, this is a Warriors server. If you are majorly uncomfortable with blood, injuries, violence, and death, this might not be the place for you. 

Harassment, Respect, & Reporting

Harassment is anything under the label of being violent, pestering, or even harming other members around you. Stealing art, belittling or being rude to other members, snapping often or being passive-aggressive, threatening, stalking, blackmailing, sending death threats, suicide baiting, defamation, vague posting, etc. are all forms of harassment. These actions will all result in bans.

It is expected that all members respect staff. If a staff member asks you to quit a behavior or change something, it is expected you listen. Do not argue with staff. If you believe there is a misunderstanding, politely explain. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, as the old adage goes.

In the case another member of the server is harassing you, you must make a ticket to inform staff. Be prepared to come with evidence of the behavior(s) such as screenshots. Staying quiet about issues plaguing our server changes nothing. We can only help if we are informed. There is no reason anyone should ever feel unwelcome or targeted unless they are causing the problems. We strive to keep the environment of Sunset Plains a safe space for everyone, so if you see something that needs to be reported, speak up. Only Horsefinity and Spiderguts can see tickets at this time. We can manually add people to them if necessary, otherwise it will just be you and us. Staff may be asked for opinions on a case-by-case basis. 

Artwork & Literature

When posting art in the group, always be conscious of the minors and people's sensitivities. As mentioned in the Age and Maturity section, spoilers are required for anything potentially triggering to people. Healed wounds and minor injuries do not need censorship but if you are uncertain if it counts as minor, air on the side of caution. It is better to be safe than sorry. 

Any artwork or literature you turn in for bones, must have been your own! Bases are allowed with direct credit to the original artist. This means username and website it was sourced from. A link is not necessary but welcome so others who may be interested in the artist's work can find them. 

Under absolutely no circumstance is art theft allowed in the server. If you wish to share someone's work, the proper credit must accompany it. Art theft will result in a ban. This includes tracing.

AI-generated "art" and literature will never be permitted to earn bones. The only exception to sharing AI is in the spam channel. Do not claim to have drawn or written any AI-generated content. If we suspect you of submitting content of this nature, we can and will scan it for AI. Providing the results are positive, you will be banned.

It is important that everyone gets recognition for their hard work and we ask that you do not overpost on people in the art chat. Wait until at least two reactions or messages have been made about the art above yours before posting. If 24 hours have passed since the last post but it received no engagement you may post as long as you engage with the post. Overposting yourself is fine.


Members of Sunset Plains, meaning you have at least one active character, are permitted to advertise anything of an appropriate nature in the advertisement channel. This includes other servers, commissions, character sales, trades, etc.

Visitors, however, are only permitted to advertise art-related content. We do not allow visitors to advertise other servers. This is to avoid people joining the server just to plug their own group.

Please keep regular conversation outside of the advertisements chat so ads are easier to find!


Despite the channel named spam, spamming is not allowed in Sunset Plains. The spam channel is for any off-topic conversations that don't fit in another channel. Use it however you see fit outside of actual spamming.

Spamming refers to repeating a message excessively, using excessive caps lock, posting the same image or gif multiple times, and pinging people without reason or excessively. If you are asked to stop these behaviors, you are expected to comply otherwise a time-out will be issued.


Bans will be given out as seen fit. Bans will be used as a last resort. They are not given lightly. We do not have a strike system as there can be too much leniency with them. 

The extent of your ban's publicity will depend on the severity of your ban. All banned users will be public knowledge.

If you are banned and found to be ban-evading, you will be banned once more. If you know of a banned user's alternate account, please share that information with us so we may update our blacklist.


Users banned from previous groups of the administrative staff are banned from Sunset Plains. 

Andy / Starblossom / Constelle / tsukiifleur / Mooncloud : identity theft, tracing, use of racial slurs, ban evasion
Gorou / Itsuki / Lattebites : hostility towards staff/members, guilt-tripping, ban evasion
Kaizukiyo / solarcrystalz / tempestluna /Citustric / HeraLucien / Magicanzino / Ivoryswan : rude/aggressive towards staff/members, design theft
SketchyTwi / Kelpie : passive-aggression, transphobia, manipulation, guilt-tripping, attempting SA plot with minor