Whole Homes Repair Act

In Spring of 2022 we helped in coalition with many other groups across Pennsylvania pass the Whole Home Repairs Act which is a $125 million program to provide up to $50,000 for Pennsylvanians to repair, update, and adapt homes.

Homeowners and small landlords will be able to apply for Whole Homes Repairs in Summer 2023@!

We are fighting for this program to become permanent, not just a 3 year appropriation and for this program to have more funding of $300 million so every Pennsylvanian who needs it can use it.

Good News and Bad News. Good News, Whole Homes Repair Act passed again. Bad News with only $50 million in funding this time and we're not sure that it will be actually implemented. You see in addition, to any budgetary bill, a fiscal code bill needs to be passed to be sure that such programs will have the instructions to take effect and Republicans out of spite for Governor Shapiro vetoing private school vouchers are refusing to include any bill with Whole Homes Repair fiscal code language. Make sure this program continues. Programs that keep people in their homes shouldn't end just because of spite. 

Use this Call Script: 

Call your State Representative: Find them here

And your State Senator: Find them here

Hi my name is (name) and I’m your constituent living at (address, city, zip code) . My phone number is (phone number). I’m calling today to ask that you make sure this year’s fiscal code includes enabling language for Whole-Home Repairs.

Whole-Home Repairs is a bipartisan program that passed in last year’s budget. It will fund home repairs and weatherization and create new jobs in a growing field. (Optional: Add a sentence or two explaining why you care about this. Are you struggling to repair your home? Do you want to lower energy use across the state?). 

1 in 4 Pennsylvania voters live in a home that needs critical repair, and counties in every part of the state have seen overwhelming demand that far exceeds the funding they have available for repairs. With your support, people across the Commonwealth will be able to stay warm, safe, and dry in homes they can afford. 

The legislature recognized the importance of this program when you included a $50 million appropriation this year. I’m concerned that the Senate’s version of the fiscal code excludes Whole-Home Repairs and ask that the House makes sure the allocated money can be spent. Thank you for your time.