Student Application

Applications for SoEE closed on 11:59 PM IST Apr 15, 2019.

Eligibility: Only student researchers enrolled in a full-time or part-time Undergraduate, Post Graduate or Doctoral course of study at any University or College in India are eligible to participate in the Summer of Earth Engine program. Early-career researchers who passed out of a formal academic program no earlier than 3 years from 15-Mar-2019 who are not employed currently, may also apply.

Submit your project proposal using the application form:


    1. Make a copy of this template doc. (read how-to)
    2. Rename it to 'Your Name_University Name_ProjectOrg Name'
    3. Share it with
    4. This document will be considered your official project proposal for Summer of Earth Engine.
    5. If you have questions, email us at
Summer of Earth Engine | Student Proposal