
TLI Reflections

At which level (emerging, developing, performing, or transforming) do you NOW place yourself for each of your four chosen competencies? Name each competency and the level at which you started and now place yourself.

Overarching Competency #1: Adult Learning- From pre-developing to transforming. I place myself at transforming now as I have developed a professional learning opportunity for my colleagues which targeted the need of meaningful technology off-site instruction. The design of the professional development (PD) can be used for any learning experience with the mingle/check in- demo- breakout groups- create-share out model. At the end of each PD presented, we allotted for time to share out. Then at the end of the school year we had a gathering to share out our best tools or learning experiences from the technology that year. Many colleagues shared their designs proudly.

Overarching Competency #2: Technological Facility- From developing to performing. I look at where I started with simply using and manipulating the technology provided, to now where I have manipulated and innovated digital tools both synchronous and asynchronous through this year. I collaborated with my tech team to build these professional development opportunities, as well as revamp our district website. I worked with my building to create grade level activities and group online projects. I have modeled for students and staff the technology and have helped with the creation of easy access resources. I researched and shared out at staff meeting different typing programs, math curriculum, and literacy resources. I feel strong that I am in developing and moving into transforming as I progress through the coming school years.

Foundational Competency: Explore and Challenge Inequity- From emerging to developing. Through TLI I have become more aware of cultural differences and will continue to learn about social inequities. It makes me see the importance of being flexible and including others in the group. I am engaging in conversations with colleagues about our literacy curriculum and how to make the diversity rich and important. I have begun to look at my classroom library and finding authors of different race and cultural background. When reading White Privilege: Unpacking the Indivisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh I not only questioned my own unearned advantages, but I also shared the article with a group of colleagues who have also been diving deep into cultural inequities.

Instructional Leadership Competency- Coaching and Mentoring- From emerging to performing. I started this project providing coaching to my colleagues. Now we have created a team of tech coaches that work on Tech Tuesday PD but also our district website, teacher needs, building needs, etc. When designing the plan for Tech Tuesdays, I sought out colleagues who were strong and willing to help with the training. It was always a group of us sharing what we do, how we use it, and then helping small groups create. I am working with our lead district tech coach to design a technology professional development plan to give to our superintendent to include monthly technology PD into the yearly calendar. We also created a quarterly newsletter to share our new tools and fun programs with the district staff.

How did the TLI experience impact your growth as a teacher leader in each of your four chosen competencies?

For me the biggest growth I had was to just have the confidence to step out of my classroom walls and make an impact. I have always enjoyed learning from others and it makes me feel like a valued community member to also contribute to others learning. TLI helped me focus on designing adult learning in an area I feel confident to teach colleagues in (technology). It gave me the stepping stones to understand the diverse group of learners/educators I would be teaching. Using the competency of coaching and mentoring created an understanding of how to best execute my plan and step into a role I was already familiar having mentored teacher candidates. Overall my TLI experience helped me feel confident when having conversations with my colleagues who have been in this profession much longer than I have. Written in the NEA TLI- The Teacher Leadership Competencies booklet it is stated perfectly: leadership is "more than being the best possible teacher within the four walls of one classroom- it means reaching out and sharing great teaching with others" (p. 6). My growth through TLI was stepping outside of my own classroom, and my own grade level team, to share and engage with other teachers.

What was the most valuable part of the TLI process for you?

The most valuable part of TLI was meeting teachers from around the state who were facing similar challenges and building off of each other. Having our monthly meetings helped me stay motivated to continue on the path. I also felt a great deal of value from how much TLI challenged my thinking of concepts and expectations. I started to identify more that I can contribute to in my school, district, and union. It also gave me more knowledge on inequities as our school continues to have those conversations about our curriculum.

What are your next steps to continue your growth as a teacher leader?

I want to continue developing meaningful professional development for my colleagues as well as teachers around the state. I am part of a group meeting with out new superintendent in August to focus on technology PD built into our district yearly calendar. Although I focused on the instructional pathway for my capstone based on the need of my school, it also opened up doors and understanding into my union. I have taken the role as building rep for our union and I look forward to continuing my growth and contribution into our union.

Education Philosophy Growth

Through the TLI process we were challenged with creating out education philosophy. My finalized version back on the context page, but this is where I started.

2/28/2021 Version 2.0

It is my belief that my role as an educator is to promote growth mindset life-long learners in every student I interact with in my classroom, and within my building. Through high expectations, humor, and perseverance my students leave my room prepared to continue their learning and become members of our amazing community. All students deserve a teacher that believes in them more than they believe in themselves, but also who will help foster that love for themselves.

In addition to, I feel the need to continue to help educate other teachers and student teachers. I believe we are all lifelong learners and with curriculum changed, technology development, and core practices being revamped; it is essential we as educators continue to learn and grow. Not only am I enjoying creating professional development opportunities, I am so learning alongside my colleagues. This is when the best things happen in education and for our students.

2/1/2021 Original

It is my belief that my role as an educator is to promote growth mindset life-long learners in every student I interact with in my classroom, and within my building. Through high expectations, humor, and perseverance my students leave my room prepared to continue their learning and become members of our amazing community. All students deserve a teacher that believes in them more than they believe in themselves, but also who will help foster that love for themselves.

Artifact #18- Thought map of TLI journey

Artifact #19- TLI Face to Face Reflection