Dynamical Systems

Graduate students and post-docs from my research group are identified by * and + signs, respectively.

[9] DeMarco*, A, Basu, S. (2018). "On the tails of the wind ramp distributions", Wind Energy, 21(10), 892-905. (open access)

[8] DeMarco*, A., and Basu, S. (2017). "Estimating higher-order structure functions from geophysical turbulence time-series: Confronting the curse of the limited sample size", Physical Review E, 95, 052114.

[7] Kiliyanpilakkil*, V. P., and Basu, S. (2015). "Extended self-similarity of atmospheric boundary layer wind fields in mesoscale regime: Is it real?", Europhysics Letters (EPL), 112 (6), 64003.

[6] Kiliyanpilakkil*, V. P., Basu, S., Ruiz-Columbie, A., Araya, G., Castillo, L., Hirth, B., and Burgett, W. (2015). "Buoyancy effects on the scaling characteristics of atmospheric boundary layer wind fields in the mesocale range", Physical Review E, 92, 033005.

[5] Basu, S. (2009). "Can the dynamic eddy-viscosity class of subgrid-scale models capture inertial-range properties of Burgers turbulence?" Journal of Turbulence, 10, 1-16.

[4] Basu, S., Foufoula-Georgiou, E., Lashermes, B., and Arnéodo, A. (2007). "Estimating intermittency exponent in neutrally stratified atmospheric surface layer flows: A robust framework based on magnitude cumulant and surrogate analyses", Physics of Fluids, 19, 115102.

[3] Basu, S., Foufoula-Georgiou, E., and Porté-Agel, F. (2004). "Synthetic turbulence, fractal interpolation and large-eddy simulation", Physical Review E, 70, 026310.

[2] Basu, S., Foufoula-Georgiou, E., and Porté-Agel, F. (2002). "Predictability of atmospheric boundary-layer flows as a function of scale", Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (21), doi:10.1029/2002GL015497.

[1] Basu, S., and Foufoula-Georgiou, E. (2002). "Detection of nonlinearity and chaoticity in time series using the transportation distance function", Physics Letters A, 301, 413-423.