
Santa Shop

Santa Shop will be back for the 2024 Holiday Season.  Students will have a designated time to shop with their classmates for gifts for family and friends.  Prices will range from 25 cents to $5 per item.  A Santa Shop Form  will be sent home for parents to fill out prior to the student's assigned day for shopping.  Volunteers, with help of the Santa Shop Form will help your student pick out items for the people listed on their form with amounts designated by parents.  

Santa Shop usually takes place the first week of December.

Canned Food Drive

Prior to Christmas Break, each classroom participates in the canned food drive to benefit the Portage County Food Shelter.  Cans or money can be brought in to donate.  $1 = 2 cans.  The class with the most cans/money donated wins a pizza party.  2022 Class Winner- Mrs. Taylor's Class!

Teacher/Staff Appreciation

Throughout the year we provide meals to our teacher sand staff to say thank you for their dedication to our students.  Parents can contribute to these events by donating money to the PTA so that we can provide food and supplies for these events.   Upcoming Events listed below:

Conference Night Teacher's Dinner

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon

Pretzel Fundraiser

More details to come...

Decorating Front Entrance

Each season, the PTA comes together to decorate the front entrance of Suffield Elementary.  All items used to decorate are donated by Suffield Families.  Thank you to everyone that donates to keep our school a welcoming place for our students.  

Welcome Back Night

 Suffield Families can join us for our back to school event at Suffield Elementary. Drop off your school supplies and visit your new classrooms.  After that, join us on the front lawn for food, fun and booths set up by local community organizations showcasing what Suffield and Portage County has to support our families.


Your help matters!  You can donate to the Suffield Elementary PTA anytime throughout the year by using the link to our Venmo account below or by sending in a check/cash to Suffield Elementary's office.  The PTA will use these funds to give back to our school through a number of ways, including teacher and staff appreciation, scholarships, community events, improvement of facilities, student assemblies,  Games Day and other purchases to benefit the students' education and fun activities while they are at Suffield Elementary.  

If donating via Venmo, please make sure to list a designation (example:  "teacher appreciation luncheon") in the "What's it for?" section in Venmo if you have something specific that you would like your donation to go towards.  If donating via check or cash, please mark Suffield PTA on your donation before sending into the office.  

As always, the Suffield Elementary PTA appreciate your support.