Students' News and Achievements
01/2025 Jamil Haider joined our group at Howard University as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Jamil!
01/2024 Meratun Anee joined our group at Howard University as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Meratun!
08/2023 Abdullah Noor and Amzad Hossain joined our group at Howard University as Ph.D. students. Welcome, Abdullah and Amzad!
11/2022 Christian Diaz-Caez has successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation "Fast and Efficient Electromagnetic Simulation of Electrically Extra-Large Problems Using Phase Information and Mesh Automation" and started his career with the Department of Defense. Congratulations, Dr. Diaz!
11/2022 Ayobami Idubor has successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation "Hysteresis Model Parameter Extraction and Electromagnetic Detection of Buried Objects" and is now with Arconic, Inc. Congratulations, Dr. Idubor!
08/2022 Laila Wise joined our group at Howard University as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Laila!
11/2021 Kamrun Nahar has successfully defended her Ph.D. Dissertation "Combined Artificial Neural Network and Stochastic Learning Automata Architecture for Enhanced Machine Learning" and continued to work as a Postdoctoral Researcher supported by ASEE eFellows Program sponsored by American Society for Engineering Education. Congratulations, Dr. Nahar!
11/2021 Minyechil Mekonnen has successfully defended his M.Eng. Thesis "Finite Element Modeling and Simulation of Electromagnetic Scattering Problems" and continued as a Ph.D. student in computational electromagnetics at Howard University. Congratulations, Mekonnen!
04/2021 Christian Diaz-Caez Awarded Department of Defense SMART Scholarship. (
2020 Christian Diaz-Caez Awarded Golden Key’s 2020 Graduate Scholar Award. (
12/2019 Christian Diaz-Caez received the GEM Fellowship sponsored by MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Congratulations!
09/2019 Welcome Mr. Christian Diaz-Caez to join our group as a Ph.D. student!
08/2019 Welcome Mr. Minyechil Mekonnen to join our group as a M.Eng. student!
08/2019 Christian Diaz-Caez Worked as a Visiting Graduate Researcher at Tsinghua University during Summer 2019. (
09/2024 Dr. Yan received DOE Early Career Award.
08/2024 Dr. Yan started to serve as an Associate Editor of IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letter (AWPL).
08/2024 Dr. Yan is promoted to an Associate Professor with tenure at Howard University.
06/2024 Dr. Yan received two research grants, one from NSF and one from DOE.
05/2024 Dr. Yan elected to the Board of Directors of Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES). His term is 2024-2027.
10/2023 Dr. Yan started to serve as the Director of IBM-HBCU Quantum Center.
07/2023 Dr. Yan elected as a Full Member of U.S. National Committee for the International Union of Radio Science (USNC-URSI) Commission B -- Fields and Waves.
08/2023 Dr. Yan received an NSF research grant.
06/2023 Dr. Yan received NSF Early Career Award.
12/2022 Our work "Optimal pupil basis set for telescope-coronagraph design and perturbation analysis based on the method of moments" has been published on J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. (doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.472995)
11/2022 Dr. Yan published an edited book with Dr. Qian Ren (Beihang University, China) and Dr. Atef Elsherbeni (Colorado School of Mines, USA) titled "Advances in Time-Domain Computational Electromagnetic Methods" by Wiley-IEEE Press. (ISBN: 978-1-119-80837-4, DOI:10.1002/9781119808404)
10/2022 Dr. Yan received a NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Award to establish a long-term academic partner ship with JPL.
09/2022 Dr. Yan received an NSF research grant to work on AI aided metasurface design for cellular communication systems, as the co-PI.
5/3/2021 Dr. Yan participated a roundtable conversation hosted by U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on "American Jobs Plan: Fostering a STEM Workforce that Looks Like America." (Livestream Video)
04/2021 Dr. Yan received a DOE research grant to work on novel simulation methods for electromagnetic energy assisted fossil fuel to hydrogen conversion, as the PI.
03/2021 Dr. Yan received an NSF research grant to work on effective material property characterization of random composites, as the sole PI.
10/2020 Dr. Yan started to serve as an Editorial Board Member for PeerJ Computer Science.
07/2020 Dr. Yan received the Edward E. Altschuler AP-S Magazine Prize Paper Award by IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for his work “Multiphysics modeling in electromagnetics: Technical challenges and potential solutions,” published on IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 14–26, Apr. 2019.
06/2020 Dr. Yan started to serve as the Director of Graduate Studies for the Graduate Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Howard University.
06/2020 Dr. Yan was selected as a Faculty Scholar by Howard University Junior Faculty Writing and Creative Works Summer Academy.
03/2020 Dr. Yan received the ACES Early Career Award, “For contributions to linear and nonlinear electromagnetic and multiphysics modeling and simulation methods" by Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES).
03/2020 Dr. Yan served as a Special Session Organizer and Chair in 2020 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium to be held in Monterey, CA, USA, March 22–26, 2020. (Call-for-Papers, deadline: Oct. 16, 2019)
03/2020 Dr. Yan served as a TPC Member, Special Session Organizer and Chair in IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM) to be held in Singapore, March 25–27, 2020. (Deadline: Oct. 1, 2019).
01/2020 Dr. Yan received a NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Award to work on telescope coronagraph design for exoplanet observation.
09/2019 Dr. Yan served as a Special Session Organizer in International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), to be held in Granada, Spain, September 9–13, 2019.
08/2019 Dr. Yan initiated a VIP program: EM Virtual Playground.
08/2019 Dr. Yan started to serve as an Associate Editor for IEEE Access.
08/2019 Dr. Yan started to serve as a Member of The Laboratory Committee in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Howard University.
08/2019 Dr. Yan served as a Guest Editor of a Special Issue “Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Methods for Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Problems" for IJNM. (Call-for-Papers)
07/2019 Dr. Yan served as a Special Session Organizer and Chair in IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting held in Atlanta, GA, USA, July 7–12, 2019.
06/2019 Dr. Yan received Summer Faculty Research Fellowship at Howard University.
06/2019 Our work “An enhanced transient solver with dynamic p-adaptation and multirate time integration for electromagnetic and multiphysics simulations” has been published on International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields.
05/2019 Dr. Yan served as an Organizing Committee Member and Short Course/Tutorial Chair in IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO 2019) held in Cambridge, MA, USA, May 29–31, 2019.
05/2019 Dr. Yan started to serve as an Associate Editor and an Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields (IJNM).
04/2019 Our work “Multiphysics modeling in electromagnetics: Technical challenges and potential solutions” has been published on IEEE Antennas Propagation Magazine.
04/2019 Dr. Yan served as a Special Session Organizer and Chair in 2019 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium held in Miami, FL, USA, April 14–18, 2019.
04/2019 Dr. Yan served as a Judge in Howard University Research Symposium, April 11, 2019.
02/2019 Our work “Electrostatic and magnetostatic properties of random materials” has been published on Physical Review E.
02/2019 Our work “An advanced electromagnetic–plasma simulator based on the discontinuous Galerkin time-domain algorithm with dynamic adaptation and multirate time integration techniques” has been published on IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques.
11/2018 Dr. Yan was recognized as an Outstanding Reviewer by Journal of Computational Physics.
10/2018 Dr. Yan started to serve as a Member of EE/CpE Assessment Committee in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Howard University.
08/2018 Dr. Yan started to serve as an Editorial Board Member for Advances in Mathematical Physics.
08/2018 Dr. Su Yan joined Howard University as an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering.
DOE Early Career Award, U.S. Department of Energy, 2024
NSF Early Career Award, U.S. National Science Foundation, 2023
ACES Early Career Award, “For contributions to linear and nonlinear electromagnetic and multiphysics modeling and simulation methods." Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES), 2020
Edward E. Altschuler AP-S Magazine Prize Paper Award, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, 2020
Faculty Scholar, Junior Faculty Writing and Creative Works Summer Academy, Howard University, 2020
Summer Faculty Research Fellowship, Howard University, 2019
Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Computational Physics, 2018
Best Student Paper Award, The First Place Winner, ACES, Honolulu, HI, 2016
USNC/URSI Travel Fellowship Grant Award, The National Academies (NAS), 2015
P. D. Coleman Outstanding Research Award, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015
Yuen T. Lo Outstanding Research Award, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014
Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation, Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, China, 2014
UIUC List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, Outstanding Rating (top 10%), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fall 2012
Outstanding Graduate Student (Highest honor from the university, ten recipients annually), UESTC, 2011
Best Student Paper Award, The First Place Winner, ACES, Williamsburg, VA, 2011
Best Student Paper Award, IEEE Chengdu Section, 2010
Distinguished Dissertation Award, UESTC, 2005
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) Scholarship, CASC, 2011
Scholarship for Graduates, UESTC, The Top Grade, 2006; The 2nd Grade, 2008 and 2009; and The 3rd Grade, 2010
People’s Scholarship for Undergraduates, UESTC, The 3rd Grade, 2002; The 2nd Grade, 2003 and 2004; and The 1st Grade, 2005
National Mathematical Modeling Competition, The 3rd Award, Sichuan, China, 2003
Mathematical Modeling Competition, The 3rd Award, UESTC, 2002