
Average Lifespan: Immortal

Appearance: There are 12 Candicorns on Sucreterre and each one looks different than the other. They all have 1 horn on their head, pointed ears, and hooves on their digitigrade legs. They each have different tails, and instead of nails they have hoof like finger tips.

Nature: Candicorns are demigods on Sucreterre. Each is individually created by the Goddess known as Mother Sugar. Once on Sucreterre they work to find what they believe to be their realm of study and magic. The full extent of their purpose and effect on Sucreterre is unknown.

Magic: Every Candicorn possesses powerful magic beyond of the skills of mortal races. They also individually have realms of magic they excel at more than other Candicorns.

Diet: Candicorns do not need to eat to survive however their power and strength wain without food. They can eat anything, but each one has particular tastes.

Location: Each Candicorn has a home on Sucreterre they call their "Sweet Spot". They feel naturally drawn to these locations and when in their own Sweet Spot a candicorn's magic is at it's strongest.

The Candicorn of Caramel and c̸̬̦̗̘̙̏r̵͓̖͊̅̌͠͝ù̴̠̌î̵̢͓̜͕ͅo̴̫̖̯̍̽ň̸͎̮̱̥̘̃͂͝.

The Candicorn of Chocolate and Knowledge.

The Candicorn of cotton candy, does not yet know her area of expertise.

The Candicorn of Soda and the Seas.

The Candicorn of Vanilla and Exploration.

The Candicorn of Cookies and Battle

The Candicorn of Pastries and Flora.

The Candicorn of Hard Candy and History.

The Candicorn of Ice Cream and Fauna.

The Candicorn of Mint and Weather.

The Candicorn of Cake and Earth.

