Velvet Frosting

Species: Candicorn

Age: 635

Current life: Velvet Frosting is acting as a sort of guide for Bo Cotton. Since Bo is the youngest/newest Candicorn she has not yet seen all or much of Sucreterre and wants to explore. Velvet was the candicorn created previous to Bo and wanted the opportunity to show another candicorn around their world. Velvet often finds herself getting dragged along on Bo's adventures, rather than leading them. She also ends up cleaning up after Bo and dealing with all the various friends Bo makes along the way. Despite this she has greatly enjoyed her travels with Bo so far and is finding that Bo can bring out the best in her.

Velvet still finds herself admiring how quickly and easily Bo can make friends and trust in new people. It is not uncommon, for this admiration to turn into a bit of jealousy as well though, since Bo exceeds at many things where Velvet struggles.

Background: Velvet is the second youngest candicorn at 635. As the candicorn of earth, her abilities to shift and control the cake, frosting, and ground of Sucreterre are beyond anything a mortal could possibly maintain or imagine. Despite this strength, Velvet's magical abilities outside of her natural talents suffer. She remains more powerful than most mortals, but lacks focus. This frustrated her teacher, the candicorn Bean. Bean initially took in Velvet to teach her about Sucreterre and magic, but the two never got along. Velvet found Bean's teaching methods incredibly frustrating and Bean felt Velvet's lack of effort and focus was insulting. After one argument too many Velvet left Bean's mentorship. Velvet often turns to the candicorn Milk now for guidance in her life.

Personality: Her stubbornness causes more problems than anything else, of course Velvet would never admit this. She is a loyal friend once her trust is earned. Velvet also enjoys relaxing and taking the easy route when possible. She surprised herself when she volunteered to show Bo around Sucreterre.

Fears: Velvet fears responsibility as well as criticism.

Likes: Relaxing in the chocolate falls and other warm places, loose fitting clothes, and when other people cook for her.

Dislikes: Difficult problems, "high energy" people (...usually), and wearing any kind of clothing that is even a little bit too tight.

Sexuality: Velvet only likes women. She love all kinds of ladies but does have a preference for those with larger breasts. Bo is a little bit of an exception here.

Bo and Velvet enjoy a lot of personal time together while they travel.