The Jizzard

Species: Candy Corn Tiefling

Age: 32

Current life: The Jizzard, or Madame J if you're not-so-nasty, currently runs a traveling sex toy shop where she gives demos of her products and puts on saucy adult shows of all kinds. She loves learning new spells and potions that might be useful for her store and knows she can always learn more from different people all over the world. Madame J considers her assistant Bulgarisimo her most important asset, and best friend.

Background: Her original name is Jazmine and she was born in the salt deserts , where most tieflings are found. It is rare for a tiefling to have magic, and once it was revealed she possessed strong magical skill the leaders of her nomadic tribe made up reasons to exile her as they feared she would replace their leadership. Although Jazmine was initially distraught she successfully survived on her own for many years. Outside the desert she found various teachers and mentors. She gathered her skills and knowledge until she found her passion in sex themed magics.

Personality: The Jizzard is a bold charismatic woman. She loves helping people learn new things about themselves.

Fears: Madame J worries a lot about maintaining her store, and frets about what she would do if she could no longer keep people interested in her products, or if she could no longer travel.

Likes: Open mindedness, friendly competitions, and learning new spells or potions she can use.

Dislikes: Stubborn people who won't share their magical knowledge.

Sexuality: Naturally The Jizzard is very fond of sex in many forms, and is not picky about partners body type or gender.