Candy Corn Teiflings

Average Lifespan: 65 years (unknown for magic users)

Appearance: These horned humanoids are usually quite buff, but on the shorter side. The rare few magic users of this species seem to grow much taller and thinner than others. The horns of tieflings can be long or short but typically have a smooth texture and go from yellow to orange to white in brighter tones that the skin which also has the same colors. The pattern on their skin is usually stripped from their yellow torso to orange then white out on their limbs.

Nature: Candy Corn Tieflings live in the Salt Deserts of Sucreterre where the limited resources and dangerous environment make them rather xenophobic. They prefer following tradition and expect everyone to pull their weight in their groups. Those with advanced skill in any area of survival are likely to be leaders. Those who don’t fit in are quick to be cast out for the sake of the group’s survival.

Magic: It is rare for a magic user to be born but when they are a Candy Corn Tiefling with magic is a force to be reckoned with. Sometimes they are seen as dangerous to their group, other times they are trained to be leaders as soon as their magic is apparent, due to the likelihood that their magic will be extremely beneficial.

Diet: They can and will eat most meat or plant material they can find in the desert. Even some tougher to eat cacti.

Location: Salt desserts and a rare few who have traveled outside the desert and established families.

The character The Jizzard is a Candy Corn Tiefling.