
Mother Sugar created all of Sucreterre by breaking off the very tip of her horn. This pure sugar horn is now a mountain in the center of Sucreterre and the birthplace of all Candicorns, who Mother Sugar makes in her image. Most life on Sucreterre has also been created and shaped by her. She loves all life that has sprung up on her candy plane. Thousands of years ago Mother Sugar involved herself in the affairs of the land personally, but has stopped doing so after creating the Candicorns.

Burnt Sugar is the selfish sibling to Mother Sugar. He also has the ability to create life but prefers to do so only in ways to pester his sister, or simply entertain himself. Burnt Sugar plays "games" and toys with both Mother Sugar's and his own creations. His games only entertain him and not his sister in the slightest.

Burnt Sugar Demons are always ready and willing to serve their creator in any way, regardless of how hard it is to keep Burnt Sugar happy.