Nature Journals

Competency as a Self-Directed Learner

When a learner engages in deliberate practice as a means of improvement, and consistently perseveres and takes ownership of learning, nature journals reveal the following: 

Nature Journals

September 2023

October   2023

November 2023

December 2023

Performance Reflections 

Through performance reflections, the learner demonstrates an understanding of a growth mindset. 

How do my nature journal responses reveal thoughtful crafting,  and convey meaning with depth and detail? 

How do my nature journal responses reflect analysis, interpretation and development of a connection to Thoreau's Walden

Header Image Description & Purpose

Replace this text with an explanation of how and why the image you selected for the header connects to the work included on this page. 

Header Image Citation

Replace this text with an MLA citation for the header image(s).