
Why Tabling?

Though many people are aware of climate change, not many are aware that it disproportionally affects vulnerable groups like minority and low-income communities. Many people would be interested in supporting environmental justice if they only knew about it!

Watch the video below to see how we engaged with RPI students!

Our Experience

In order to directly engage with RPI students, we conducted interviews and started conversations about what environmental justice means to them. Over the course of three to four hours we talked to dozens of students and filmed around 25 interviews.

The responses we got ranged from having no experience with environmental justice to being very educated on the topic. We interviewed students of all kinds including prospective students, undergraduates, graduates, and PhD students, all studying many different subjects.

While nearly all students were well acquainted with the idea of environmentalism, many were unaware about the social impacts of climate change. Our goal was to bring awareness to environmental injustice and encourage students to take action in their own careers by asking questions directly related to their field of study and providing resources for them to use to get involved around Troy.