Plenary speakers

Zsolt Lavicza, PhD

Professor, Dept. of STEM Education, Linz School of Education, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

Enriching Teacher Innovations through Integrating Augmented/Virtual Reality and 3D Printing into Teacher Education

The swift evolution of 3D technologies has opened up diverse opportunities for 3D modelling to be utilised in education both in digital and physical formats. As industries like medicine, construction, and technology design increasingly rely on 3D modelling, its potential applications in education are increasingly gaining traction. This talk, based on studies conducted by the STEAM education research group at the Linz School of Education, Johannes Kepler University, Austria, delves into introducing Augmented/Virtual Reality and 3D printing in teacher education across various countries. We explored teachers' perceptions, established the requisite educational ecosystem for 3D technologies, evaluated pedagogical approaches for integrating 3D modelling into classrooms, and emphasised the incorporation of arts and culture to inspire students. Our initiatives extend to creating 3D resources for students with disabilities and those from disadvantaged communities, as well as fostering girls' engagement in STEM studies through 3D modelling. The core objective of our studies is to empower teachers and students as innovators in utilizing these novel technologies. Additionally, we addressed the demand for new theoretical and methodological approaches by expanding our work from mathematics to STEAM, introducing a STEAM+X approach, and supplementing Design Based Research (DBR) with User Experience (UX) research methodologies to adapt to rapid technological changes. In this talk, exemplary practices will be described showcasing secondary and primary education in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Lyn D. English, PhD

Professor, Dept. of STEM Education/Mathematics Education, School of Teacher Education and Leadership, Queensland University, Brisbane, Australia and University Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia

Future Foundations in Primary STE(A)M education 

This presentation will first review the increasing importance of STEM education and how it has broadened in recent years—Serbia provides an ideal example of how a nation can advance in these fields. Consideration will then be given to perspectives on STEM integration and subsequently on STEAM and STEAM + X. Arguments for and against STEAM will be addressed. Establishing important future-oriented foundations (STEM/STEAM knowledge and thinking skills) will be discussed, with a focus on design and design thinking. Finally, examples of STEM/STEAM problems that have been implemented in primary/middle school classrooms, including samples of students’ responses, will be presented. 

Branislav Ranđelović, PhD

Professor, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš and Faculty of Teacher Education, Leposavić, University of Kosovska Mitrovica; Director of the Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation, Belgrade, Serbia

Образовање окренуто ка будућности

STE(A)M у Србији 2024 – поглед кроз визуру дигитализације

STE(A)M, као интердисциплинарни приступ учењу, спаја науку, технологију, инжењерство, уметност и математику. Као свеобухватни приступ, фокусира се на интеграцију ових пет академских дисциплина, а ради конструкције знања и примене наученог у решавању стварних, узрасту примерених проблема. SТЕ(А)М подразумева размишљање ван устаљених оквира, ставља посебан нагласак на практичну примену ових дисциплина и подстиче ученике да развијају кључне компетенције - критичко мишљење, тимски рад, креативност, решавање проблема и комуникација.

SТЕ(А)М приступ није нов, али последњих година посебно добија на значају, поготову са изразито бржим напретком технологије. Овај приступ омогућава заједничку употребу наведених дисциплина како би се ученицима пружила подршка у савладавању вештина неопходних за успех у 21. веку у технолошки напредној средини.


Дигитална технологија довела до тога да традиционално образовање више не представља одговор на потребе живота у дигитализованој стварности. Она је банализовала потребу за меморисањем чињеничних знања и отворила нове просторе за активно и контекстуализовано учење. Другим речима, наука, инжењерство, уметност и математика вековима су ту и њихово проучавање није нужно захтевало интердисциплинарност. Говорити о SТЕ(А)М-у дубоко дигитализованој стварности нема смисла без претходног разговора о развоју дигиталног образовања.


У овом раду даћемо увид у тренутно стање у српском образовању, у погледу  STE(A)M образовања, али управо кроз визуру спектра активности нашег система у домену дигитализације. При томе, посебно ћемо указати на налазе најновијих истраживања, која се односе на увођење предмета „Дигитални свет“ у нижим разредима основне школе, затим осавремењавања и иновирања програма наставе и учења за предмет „Информатика“ у вишим разредима основе школе и средњој школи, као и посебне напоре суистема да путем специјалиованих одељења за рад са талентованим ученицима у области рачунарства (ИТ одељења), пружи додатни подстицај младим људима у погледу изучавања и знања из ове обалсти, као и да припеми будуће нараштаје за све изазове 22. века.

Dubravka Glasnović Gracin, PhD

Associate professor, Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Mathematics picturebooks as a means of connecting mathematical and art ideas

Abstract mathematical concepts are often difficult for young learners to understand. Therefore, it is important to present them through media appropriate for children, offering a holistic approach. The project “Math Picturebooks – Art and Literary Activities as Encouragement to Young Learners” is an interdisciplinary project implemented at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, which encompasses examining, designing, and creating picturebooks intended for the early acquisition of mathematical concepts. The project brought together experts from the fields of visual art, mathematics education, and children’s literature. Under their joint mentorship, students learn about the theory of picturebooks, participate in the process of their creation, and present the mathematics picturebooks to children in schools. This paper presents the main ideas of the project, as well as the mathematical and educational potentials of the picturebooks created within the project. The project has two directions: one is the popularization of mathematics, and the other is to investigate the interactions between the picturebooks, children, and their learning environment. The participants’ experiences show that activities with mathematics picturebooks encourage creativity, positive attitudes toward mathematics, and the development of the child’s personality.