
Top tips

Want to write your own letter? 

Here are some things you might want to think about adding.

Use the viewer or download via the link below.

Download our top tips [PDF]

Website - SSEN Consultation - Respond - Top Tips.pdf

Letter template

Pushed for time? Use our template!

Chop and change or send as it is. 

Based on feedback and research, the template uses themes we know relate to the National Planning Framework (NPF4).

NPF4 is the framework Scottish Government use to assess major infrastructure projects.

Use the viewer or download via the link below.

Download the template [Docx]

Website - Letter template

Submit your response

Use our Directory to find out who to send your response to. 

Details for SSEN, Community Councils, Councillors, MSPs and MP are all available.

Unless you want to see this every day?

Your feedback

Thank you for your feedback.

With around 150 people attending the Contin meeting we've received a lot of information!

We've collated this into a bullet point document you can now download. 

Use the viewer or download via the link below.

Download the feedback [Docx]

Website - Community Feedback.docx

Interactive map

Use the map to see what options D1, D2 or D3 mean for you.

Can you find your house?

Use the interactive map