Poljska: mobilnost učenika

Poznan, 15.-19.05.2023.

Devetero učenika 8. razreda OŠ Strahoninec, Matea, Lui, Leon, Marija, Matija, Neda, Viktoria, Anja i Ilija, u pratnji učiteljica Tamare Vidović i Snežane Nedelkovske, sredinom svibnja, sudjelovalo je na mobilnosti u poljskom gradu Poznanu, u školi ''Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny nr 14 Szkoła Podstawowa nr 57 im. Józefa Kostrzewskiego''.

Tijekom boravka u Poznanu od 15. do 19. svibnja 2023., hrvatski učenici i njihove učiteljice imali su prilike upoznati se sa školom te prezentirati poljskim učenicima OŠ Strahoninec. Jedna od aktivnosti bila je i mini-projekt ''Happiness is a Choice'' u kojem su hrvatski i poljski učenici zajedno istraživali što ljude čini sretnim, kako sami odlučujemo o svojoj sreći te kako su pojedini uspješni ljudi uspjeli u životu unatoč poteškoćama i nedaćama koje su ih zadesile.

Posjetili su Botanički vrt u Poznanu te novi Zoološki vrt gdje su tijekom stručnog vodstva imali prilike obogatiti svoje znanje o biljkama i životinjama s naročitim naglaskom na ugrožene vrste. Učenici su prisustvovali nastavnim satima poljskog jezika, njemačkog i engleskog jezika te glazbenoj radionici. Također, na satovima kemije, sa svojim poljskim vršnjacima sudjelovali su u izradi sapuna, koji su kao konačni proizvod ekološki prihvatljivi, anti alergeni, jednostavni za izraditi i jeftini. Posjetili su i interaktivnu izložbu ''Gate of Poznan'', gdje su slušali, gledali kratke filmove i razgledavali izloške vezane uz kulturno naslijeđe i povijest Poznana.

Družeći se sa svojim poljskim vršnjacima naučili su o kulturi, načinu života, sličnostima i razlikama između dviju država te razvijali jezične kompetencije engleskog jezika. Na kraju mobilnosti bilo je vrlo teško oprostiti se od novih prijatelja. Treba napomenuti da se za ovu mobilnost koristio zeleni prijevoz što znači da su učenici i učiteljice putovali u Poznan mini autobusom, što je u skladu s jednim od ciljeva projekta, a to je briga o okolišu. 

Dan 1

• Szkoła Podstawowa nr 57 im. Józefa Kostrzewskiego w Poznaniu – visiting school and kindergarten complex

• Presentation ''My school and the neighbourhood''

• Presentation and workshop '' Happiness is a choice''

Everyone wants to be happy. What does it mean? Can you say you are happy?

Hapiness is your choice, it is up to you if you want to be happy or not. Being happy may mean something different for different people, we decide, we choose what makes us happy and our choices have consequences.

Happiness is a choice. 

Szczęście to wybór.

Sreća je izbor. 

Щастя - це вибір. 

Le bonheur est un choix. 

Glück ist eine Wahl. 

Everyone can be happy and can achieve it no matter who they are and what difficulties they have to overcome. And if you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito flying over your ear. 

Dan 2

• Visiting Technical School Complex in Tarnowo Podgórne

• Class observation in SP 57, teacher B. Szychowiak-  handmade soap workshop

• University Botanical Garden with dr n. przyrodniczych Sławomir Janyszek as a guide

What a lovely day! Robotics and ICT in the morning, followed by eco, allergy free, colourful, handmade soaps and in the end a peaceful garden  full of beautiful flowers, trees, birds, squirrels…

Dan 3

SP 57 Class observation

• Polish language in class 6b, teacher Sylwia Chudziak

• German language in class 7a, teacher Ola Banacka 

• English language in class 7b, Krzysztof Cylt 

• Music workshop with teacher Agnieszka Telecka

We learned a lot! Poland and Croatia – two nations, one unity 🇭🇷💕🇵🇱

And our soaps are ready to be used! 😊

Dan 4

Sightseeing Poznan

• The Old Town – glorious Town Hall features an impressive history museum (sadly closed at the moment because of renovation) and mechanical goats who butt heads each day at noon

• Poznan Fara – created as a Jesuit temple in the 17th century

• Plac Kolegiacki – newly reopened after renovations, it hosts many trees, benches, a fountain and the garden of several restaurants; its history is acknowledged by a tall monument at its centre and glass window sin the surface of the square showing the church foundations and artefacts below

• Ostrow Tumski – Cathedral Island; it was on this island that Poznan was founded

• Stary Browar – housed in an old brewery dating from 1844, the award-winning Stary Browar Complex is a place for art, leisure and shopping

And pierogi! Pierogi are one of the traditional Polish dishes prepared from boiled, baked or fried dough stuffed with a filling (meat, cheese, sauerkraut, potatoes fruits…) 

Dan 5

• The New ZOO 

The new zoo in Poznań is the second largest zoo in Poland. Thanks to the diverse terrain: hills, ponds, several types of forest trees, it is a unique place in the country, where both exotic animals and representatives of the domestic fauna live on large enclosures, all in harmony with nature. Visitors of the New Zoo in Poznań can learn about very rare species of animals, combining it with long walks in the forest. You can use  free train lines that run around the zoo. One of the biggest attractions of the Poznań Zoo are: The Elephant House with four African elephants, the largest land mammals in the world, the Bear Asylum with seven bears rescued from very bad living conditions, and the emerging Animal Sanctuary, where there are two lions. The New Zoo in Poznań was opened on the 100th anniversary of the Old Zoo.

• Porta Posnania Interactive Heritage centre of Cathedral Island

The main interactive exhibition of Porta Posnania is presenting the history of Tumski Island, the oldest part of the city and it consists of multimedia installations, screens, various layouts and small interactive rooms for children. The exposition is divided into four thematic halls: Castle, Water, Gold and Stained Glass. It covers the period from the foundation of the castle in the 10th century to the present day. 

• Farewell dinner

Goodbye dear Polish friends! Hope to see you in Croatia soon! 💕