
Worship at St. Paul's Church

Worship is at the heart of who we are as a community of faith. We gather each week for refreshment and renewal at Christ's table.

9:30 a.m. Our early worship liturgy is a joyful gathering that is a more meditative service without sung hymns,

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to meet all together inside the church sanctuary at this time. As long as the weather cooperates, we are holding worship OUTDOORS at the Mill Pond Amphitheater, behind the church property.

See our Home Page for instructions about gathering safely for our live, outdoor church services.

When the weather is not so cooperative, we will use the technology of Zoom to gather for worship. The link for this meeting is the same every week; it's also posted in the e-newsletter on Thursdays. Contact the church if you would like to get these updates.

The service is recorded for posting on YouTube and our FaceBook page later. We observe privacy by naming people in our prayers by their first names only.

After the service, we stop recording and all are invited to stay in the Zoom space for "fellowship hour," as we catch up on the news and concerns of all gathered. It may be a far cry from pre-COVID days, but we've found strength, peace and blessings from the ways we can still meet in Jesus' name.

Come as You are...

Worshippers at St. Paul's wear everything from casual jeans to formal suits. No matter what your style you'll fit right in. We use the breadth of services in the "Book of Common Prayer" in the course of the year, as well as services from "Enriching Our Worship" and other parts of the Anglican Communion.

Our parish is a diverse and welcoming congregation. It is the oldest congregation in the community and has a solid tradition of welcoming everyone.

We gather as community, as longtime church members and newcomers to the faith. As we gather, we bring our diverse gifts, in the form of our most precious offering to God, our very selves; that all we do may be for God’s glory in the unity of Christ’s church.

We invite you to join us in worship as we celebrate the gift that is life in Christ.