
"Holy God, in you we live and move and have our being: We humbly pray that you will guide and govern us by your Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our life we may not forget you, but may remember that we are ever walking in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

St. Paul's has long been a community of welcome, generosity and community involvement. Our ministries are many and varied and we encourage each member to offer their gifts to the community as a whole.

There are several different areas in which to be involved at St. Paul's whether it's being a part of the parish ministries associated with worship, getting involved in the community outreach projects or being a part of our mission outreach.

No matter who you are or what gifts and talents you bring, we invite you to offer your unique ministry to God in Christ. Please visit our other pages for more information about our ongoing ministries.

Ministries of St. Paul's


This talented group of young people serve at the altar on Sundays and other occasions of worship. Their primary role is to assist the clergy during worship.

Altar Guild

Open to all ages, these dedicated men and women care for the vessels and vesture of worship as well as set up for all services of worship.

Buildings & Grounds

The general upkeep and maintenance of the building and its surrounds falls to this group. They host a major cleanup day each year, usually in the spring.

Chalice Bearers

Assistants at the altar who help in the distribution of the Eucharistic Elements.


"Sing unto God a new song..." The Choir enhances our worship through music and song at our 10:30 a.m. service.

Christian Education

Formation is at the heart of Christianity as we are all continually formed along 'the way'. From toddlers to seniors, programs are available for all ages to continue their journey of faith. Explore, re-discover, and expand your faith journey!


Responsible for advertising events and activities of St. Paul's within the community. Meets periodically as the need arises.

Daughters of the King

This is an ecumenical order for women who seek through prayer, service and evangelism to be lights for the kingdom. “The object of this Order shall be the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through Prayer, Service, and Evangelism.”

Eucharistic Visitors

EV's, as they are known, visit & take communion to sick and home bound members of the congregation.

Finance Team

This team is responsible for the compilation of the annual parish budget as well as other financial reporting.


Greeters serve as the "face of St. Paul's" welcoming both newcomers and old friends.

Holy Hospitality

Holy Hospitality seeks to welcome and incorporate visitors and new members into the congregation.


The public reading of Holy Scripture during worship as well as leading the prayers falls to the Lectors.

Parish Life

The coordination of parish events throughout the year to help us get to know each other in a social setting.

Prayer Chain

Through intercessory prayer this group meets to hold up in prayer those who are ill, recovering or giving thanks for healing.

Justice & Change

Seeking to be a voice for the voiceless and muted in our community and our world, the Justice & Change Team gathers to discuss and act on issues of Justice and building peace.


"Time, talent and treasure" are all gifts from God that we seek to give back to God. What we do after we say "I believe". Stewardship reflects our commitment to making God's love known through the realities of human life and our use of all that God has given us. It is also our service to God's world and our care of creation.

Service and Outreach

Provides opportunities for service and volunteering in order to keep our parish focused outside the walls of the building.


Governing body of the church which works with the rector in leading the congregation with members serving a 3 year term. Vestry members are usually elected at the parish meeting. The presiding officer of the vestry is the rector. There are usually two wardens. The senior warden leads the parish between rectors and is a support person for the rector. The junior warden often has responsibility for church property and buildings. A treasurer and a secretary or clerk may be chosen.