About Us

"Connecting with God and each other..."

“Faith is tricky stuff. You can’t measure it, can’t put it in a box and look at it. You can’t even compare your faith to someone else’s faith, because everyone is different and we all believe in different things. Faith is not tangible, but you can feel it. It’s invisible, but you can see it in a person’s eyes. It is silent, but you can still hear it scream when you lose it.” -Simon Kailing, 17

When we hear the word “faith” most of us think of spiritual giants like Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Archbishop Desmond Tutu or Eli Wiesel. But faith is as simple as how we live our lives each day and how we try to live into Jesus’ command, to love God, love our neighbors and love ourselves. Getting up in the morning and facing the challenges of our day is a profound act of faith.

Faith always calls us forward as we discover anew God’s presence in our lives and working in the world. As the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement we believe that faith calls us to engage our minds and challenges us to dig deeper, explore further and question harder. Faith is about more than discovering God at work it is about discovering ourselves.

During the fall and winter months, I invite you to deepen your faith here at St. Paul’s. Whether you are new to being a person of faith or simply exploring the different avenues of encountering the holy, I invite you to join the journey as we together discern God’s work in our lives, our communities and in the world.

There are numerous opportunities for learning, discovery and exploration at St. Paul’s and I encourage everyone, no matter where you are in life, to join the journey to deepen your faith.

-The Rev. Deon K. Johnson, Rector

Our Core Values

Joyful –We are a hopeful and optimistic community, celebrating Christ’s presence through traditional and contemporary worship services, ritual, music and love for one another.

Accepting – We are enriched through intentional efforts to be a welcoming community. We welcome everyone, and we mean everyone, with warmth and respect and offer all the opportunity to fully participate in the life of the Church.

Community – We are a caring, growing, supportive, inter-generational community of faith that is continually being spiritually renewed by the active and meaningful engagement of children, youth, young adults and seniors and their friends and families.

Actively Inviting We are proactive in reaching out to others to share our faith journey at St. Paul’s and invite them to participate with us in worship services and programs.

Seekers –We are a safe refuge for all spiritual seekers to experience God in a variety of ways. We encourage diversity of thought, questions and challenging conversations about God and Christ. All people and their ideas are embraced in a spirit of mutual love and respect. Our progressive educational programs and ministries will inspire, inform and support seekers on their way towards what God is calling them to be.

Experience God in Christ –We experience God in Christ through our interactions with one another, through community and service to others. People who are in need and who are struggling experience God’s love in active, tangible ways through outreach and social justice ministries.