Take Action

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Proposed Underground Research Facility in Mace

Letter Writing Resources


If you are concerned about the potential impact of the massive, complex NIOSH underground mine construction and research project proposed for our community, we urge you to communicate with those who will soon be making decisions on whether this project will proceed. 


None of us oppose Coal Mine safety research.  This is simply an inappropriate site for this facility.  Our region is un-impacted by mining and the site is located at the source of the headwaters of two major rivers.  There are other, more appropriate sites in West Virginia that are better suited for this facility, such as an abandoned limestone mine.  The Lake Lynn Experimental Mine, which this project replaces, was built in an abandoned Limestone mine.


Snowshoe and parent company, Alterra have written strong letters of opposition to this project, as has the Pocahontas County Commission.  Senator Joe Manchin, in a private meeting with Snowshoe about this project, specifically requested letters from concerned residents.  He wants to hear from more area residents about why the NIOSH project is not appropriate for our community.  It is critical that he hears from us before the Draft Environmental Impact Statement is complete.  It is scheduled for release mid-summer.


Please write to Senator Joe Manchin, Senator Shelley Moore Capito, and Governor Jim Justice. Just change the address and name and send the same letter to all three.


So, please take a few moments to review the attached reference material and then join us in writing to those who have the power to redirect this project to a more appropriate location.


We attached contact information for Senator Manchin and Jim Justice.


Your letter does not need to be technical or formal.

Simply state what your ties are to our region, whether you are a property owner or a person who loves to vacation here, long time resident or new to the area.  Clearly state that you oppose building the facility here and tell them why you oppose it.  Feel free to pull information from any of the attached documents.


Hand-written notes are fine.  


Thank you!  Your time and your effort are deeply important and appreciated.

Contact Information for our Representatives

Senator Joe Manchin 

900 Pennsylvania Ave

Ste. 629

Charleston WV 25302


Senator Shelley Moore Capito

500 Virginia Street East

Suite 950

Charleston, WV 25301


Governor Jim Justice

Office of the Governor

State Capitol, 1900 Kanawha Blvd. E

Charleston, WV 25305

304-558-2000 or 1-888-438-2731 





1.    AREA IS UNIMPACTED BY MINING                                                               

Pocahontas and southern Randolph Counties are unimpacted by mining.   This facility is a full-scale deep mine with all the risks to groundwater associated with any deep mine.


2.    TOURISM RELIANT COUNTY                                                                                 

The facility will be located adjacent to Snowshoe and Monongahela National Forest in a county that relies on a tourism economy based on outdoor recreation. FOREVER WILD is Snowshoe’s slogan. Pocahontas County is known as the Birthplace of Rivers. This facility has a heavy impact on two of those rivers.



An Above Ground Fire Suppression Experimental Facility will be located on the site.  It will be built on Karst, which provides a conduit for contaminants to enter groundwater unfiltered by soil, through cracks, fissures and caves located within the limestone. Fire Foam will be used at the above ground facility as well as in the underground facility.  Fire Foam contains PFA’s, a dangerous chemical that accumulates in the environment and the body and never degrades or breaks down.  It is called a “forever chemical” and is well known for contaminating water supplies in communities adjacent to Fire Suppression training facilities like the National Guard training facility in Martinsburg WV.



The location for this experimental deep mine is upstream from or adjacent to the communities of Mace, Upper Dry Branch road, Mingo Flats road, Douglas Fork Road, Sunset Mountain Village, and Woods Run. These communities depend on wells and springs for their potable water supply.  The blasting and tunnelling required to build this 164000 GSF (gross sq foot) facility 500 feet underground, and the constant pumping to the surface of the groundwater flowing into the facility during both construction and during operation, risks changes to the groundwater flow, potentially dewatering wells and springs, and contamination by diesel and oil-based fluids, chemicals used in fire suppression, nitrates from blasting and any unknown chemicals used in the experiments.


They are exploring the possibility of bringing in city water for the immediate area, so you should make sure they are aware that the contamination and dewatering could happen miles from the site. Also, let them know that you do not want to be forced to pay for water.


5.    LOCATED AT SOURCE OF TWO RIVERS                                                           

The facility will be built within the limestone formation at the source of the headwaters of the Tygart Valley River and the Elk River. Dye trace studies completed in 1976 document an underground connection of the waters in the Elk and Tygart Valley River headwater watersheds. Potential for chemical contamination exists for both rivers.  There is potential for a change in groundwater flow that may affect the quantity of water flowing into one or both rivers. Both rivers are trout streams. Trout cannot live in compromised water quality.


6.    TRAFFIC                                                                                                                   

The entrance to this facility will be located on Route 219, on a 7% grade on the north side of the Pocahontas/Randolph County line. The construction of this facility will take at least four years.  The truck traffic created by construction of this deep mine will create a major traffic obstacle between Snowshoe and Elkins, disrupting local commuting for employment and goods and services, as well as the route travelled to Snowshoe Mountain Resort by tourists from the Baltimore, DC and Northern VA area.  The truck traffic removing excavated materials from the site will equal 116 dump truck loads PER DAY for a period of 4 months (at least) and then 16 dump trucks PER DAY hauling excavated limestone off site.  Double those numbers for the total trips to and from the facility. These numbers DO NOT INCLUDE machinery or materials delivery to and from the site.


7.    JOBS

This project is estimated to produce only 12 jobs.  Most of the jobs created will be for PhD Mining Engineers and PhD Scientists who will come from out of county and even out of state.



There was no mention of light pollution in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.  However, our area enjoys dark skies with superior night sky views.  A project of this magnitude will include industrial lighting.  It is unclear how much industrial lighting will be included but it will be part of our new realty if this project is built.



During construction, estimated to last four years, noise pollution will change the enjoyment of living in our remote and quiet neighborhood.  Industrial noise levels from construction will be present from 7am-7pm Monday – Saturday.  The closest homes to the site will experience sound levels between 47 and 68 dBA from the operation of heavy equipment, and air blast noise from above ground blasting to create the mine.



The experimental above ground fire suppression facility will be used to test fire suppression products on things like mine belt fires, (this example was used in the DEIS).  Burning a mine belt could create a dense black smoke plume.  The smoke plume will be visible and odiferous across a wide area.  The plume and odor will travel down wind from the site and potentially be visible at Snowshoe.

Sample Letter Introductions

Letters should be personal and reflect who you are and why you are concerned about NIOSH project impacts in our community. 

Examples of introductions others have shared include:


Dear Senator Manchin,

I am writing to you because I oppose the location of the NIOSH Experimental Mine proposed for Mace WV in Pocahontas County. I live in (place of residence)_and I travel here often to fish in the Elk River. The unique geology of the Headwaters of the Elk River includes an extensive system of caves and underground flow, eventually re-emerging at Elk Springs Resort. This clean and dramatic watershed is one of my favorite places.  I love it so much I plan to retire here.  The NIOSH project threatens this unspoiled river and my retirement plans . . .


Dear Senator Manchin,

I am from (residence), and I own a second home near Snowshoe.  I oppose the NIOSH experimental mine location proposed for Mace WV.  We bought our home at (local area) as a refuge from the noise, traffic, and pollution of (Primary Residence location) We love hiking, biking, and fishing right in the neighborhood.  It is a short drive to Snowshoe for skiing in winter, and wonderful mountain bike trails and a lake in the summer.  It is a vacationing mecca, with the nearby Monongahela National Forest, the pristine Elk and upper Tygart rivers, and even choices for dining at both Snowshoe and Elk Springs Resort.  The Experimental Mine proposed for Mace will change this beautiful place forever.  The truck traffic will make it difficult to travel over the mountain to Pocahontas County.  We are downstream from the site and our wells are drilled through Karst, so the project threatens our clean water supply….


Dear Senator Manchin,

I am from Randolph County WV and I work at Snowshoe. I oppose the NIOSH Experimental Mine project location in Mace, WV.  I live in (Elkins) and my commute to work will be almost impossible during the construction phase of this project due to the very heavy truck traffic on Rt 219.  I am also very concerned that this project will contaminate the Tygart Valley River with chemicals from spilled diesel, blasting residue, and other chemicals used on the site. I live downstream and this may affect my drinking water. The Tygart Valley River is a source of drinking water for the city of Elkins.  I grew up here and have fished in the upper Tygart Valley River all my life. I heard that they might consider bringing in city water, but that is not an acceptable solution when there are so many other issues from the facility. I love my well water, and I do not want to be forced to pay for water…


Dear Senator Manchin,

I built a home and retired at Sunset Mountain Village in Mace WV because of the incredible views, clean air and water and the peace and quiet.  I love being close to Snowshoe because I ski in the winter and mountain bike in the summer.  I love the dark skies and the peaceful quiet of Mace, WV.  I never imagined an experimental mine would be proposed for this unique and special place.  Now we are facing the prospect of years of dodging dump trucks on 219 and industrial level noise from trucks, heavy equipment and blasting and dusk to dawn industrial lighting.  There is also the very real possibility our well will be contaminated by chemicals or dewatered as vibrations from NIOSH underground blasting travel through the fragile Karst geology that defines this region . . .

Sample Letter

Your Name

Your address




Representative’s Name

Representative’s Address


Dear ____:


I am writing today to ask for your support in opposing the location of the new National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) underground research facility at a proposed site in Mace, WV. 


I am a resident of _(local address)___. I know the Mace area well and understand the devastating impact the NIOSH project could have here. This scenic area in northern Pocahontas, southern Randolph Counties is simply not the right location for an underground project of this scope. Please help us re-direct NIOSH to a better, more cost-effective location elsewhere in our state where this important work could continue long into the future – without threatening the safety, economy and environmental integrity of our community.


There are many reasons Mace should not be considered as the site for this NIOSH project. I would like to highlight a few. (Select one or two from the bullet points below.)


·  The Mace site sits in the heart of an environmentally fragile and pristine area that draws outdoor enthusiasts from around the world to enjoy our natural beauty. It is adjacent to Snowshoe Resort, which has gone on record as adamantly opposing the NIOSH project for its negative impact on Snowshoe operations and the local tourist economy. Why compromise a region dependent on its environmental integrity? There are many regions in West Virginia where mining is already well established, with geology proven to safely support underground mining. It doesn’t make sense to bring this level of blasting, construction and contamination to an area known as “Nature’s Playground,” “Forever Wild,” and “Birthplace of Rivers.” If there is any doubt about how important the tourism economy is here, consider the latest official figures on tourism revenues -- $113 Million in Pocahontas County alone! Let’s not jeopardize this.

·  The environmental threats of the NIOSH project are real and have tremendous consequences for our community – beyond their impact on our tourism economy. The project sits at the headwaters of both the Tygart Valley and Elk Rivers. Delicate karst geology throughout this region could easily disrupt the existing flow of clean water feeding both rivers. In fact, groundwater dye trace studies completed in 1976 document a rare underground connection in these sensitive watersheds.  the health of our pure native trout streams and rivers at risk, but so is the drinking water for our local residents.

·  The location of this experimental deep mine is upstream from or immediately adjacent to communities dependent on clean spring and well water. No public water service exists for a growing number of neighboring residents, many of whom choose to invest here because of our pure environment. The blasting and tunneling required to build this 164,000 gross square foot NIOSH facility 500 feet underground, combined with the constant pumping of groundwater to the surface, is a clear risk to the safe groundwater resource of our area.

Not only could wells and springs run dry, but the only water available to local residents could be contaminated by diesel and oil based fluids, fire suppression chemicals, nitrates from blasting and unknown chemicals used in NIOSH experimental operations.

·  The NIOSH site will include an Above Ground Fire Suppression Experimental Facility, with extensive use of fire foam. Fire foam contaminants include Perfluoroalkoxy Polymers (PFAs), a dangerous “forever” chemical known for contaminating water supplies in communities adjacent to fire suppressant facilities, like the National Guard training site in Martinsburg, WV.

·  The heavy truck traffic this project would create would be disastrous on a narrow, mountainous two-lane stretch of Rt. 219 – a main travel corridor for the region. The NIOSH facility entrance would be located on a 7 percent grade at the border between Pocahontas and Randolph Counties on Rt. 219. This creates a major obstacle between Snowshoe and Elkins, disrupting local commuting for employment plus goods and services transport. It also disrupts a key route for tourists to Snowshoe. Local, tourist and emergency transportation would be seriously compromised, especially during the four-year construction phase. At times, truck traffic for removal of excavated materials alone will equal 116 dump truck loads PER DAY, with a steady flow of 16 dump truck loads predicted PER DAY as excavated limestone is hauled offsite. Not only would this often bring traffic to a standstill on Rt. 219, but this could compromise the long-term integrity of a traffic corridor essential to our region.

·  And in a time when we all know how important good jobs are to our local communities, it is important to remember that the number of jobs at the NIOSH facility is 12. Just 12, with the majority of those positions to be filled by Ph.D. mining engineers from elsewhere. One dozen jobs that threaten countless other good, longstanding jobs created by local businessmen and women who know that our future here is tied to a healthy, vibrant environment.


Please help us stop this threat to our community.


Thank you for taking the time to read my concerns, and thank you for a response on this important issue.

If I can help you with any follow-up, I can be reached at:



