
Nagaenthran K Dharmalingam was a Malaysian man who had been arrested for importing 42.72g of diamorphine (heroin) at the age of 21. He was convicted and sentenced to death under Singapore's harsh drug laws.

Nagaen was assessed to have an IQ of 69 — a level internationally recognised as an intellectual disability — as well as impaired executive functioning and ADHD. There were also concerns about his mental health after over a decade of incarceration on death row, where prisoners have to live in single cells in circumstances of extreme social isolation.

Nagaen's case drew widespread international and local attention, especially after his family were first given an execution notice in the middle of the pandemic when crossing borders was still a challenge. The #SaveNagaenthran campaign received unprecedented attention and support, drawing Singaporeans' attention towards the cruelty of the capital punishment regime.

Despite all these efforts, the state refused to budged and hanged Nagaen on 27 April 2022.

Vigil at Hong Lim Park (25 April 2022)

Online Petition

Over 100,000 individuals signed an online petition calling for clemency to be granted to Nagaen. This was a staggering number within a very short period of time, demonstrating an unprecedented amount of public attention and sympathy.

Solidarity from Other Families

In an unprecedented move, 237 family members and friends of prisoners who have lived on death row rallied together to call for mercy to be shown to Nagaenthran.

The letter (embedded below), signed by the loved ones of 13 different current and former death row prisoners and addressed to President Halimah Yacob, was a piercing indictment of the trauma and hardship that those on death row endure, and the devastating ripple effects on the families and communities of those condemned to death.


Clemency Letters

Once an individual loses their appeal in the courts, their final option is to petition the President of the Republic of Singapore for clemency. The President, acting on the advice of the Cabinet, is empowered under the law to commute a death sentence to life imprisonment.

Anyone inclined to do so is able to submit their own pleas for clemency on behalf of death row prisoners. You can send it in via email, by mail, or by delivering it to the Istana in person.

Below are a series of clemency letters that were signed by a total of more than 1000 individuals from various walks of life.

Each letter expressed the deep concerns that various groups had about Nagaen's imminent execution. They called for the commutation of Nagaen's death sentence to time served, and demanded for the release of Nagaen to his family. These clemency letters were hand-delivered by volunteers to the President and Cabinet of Singapore.

Healthcare Professionals/Trainees

Over 759 social service professionals and trainees, psychologists, counsellors, and healthcare workers and trainees in Singapore signed the petition below:

Letter Appealing to the President and Cabinet of Singapore for the Clemency of Nagaenthran K Dharmalingam on Death Row

Singapore's Arts Community

Over 582 members of Singapore’s arts industry: visual artists, writers, actors, singers, theatremakers, musicians, dancemakers, filmmakers, curators, technical workers, arts administrators, arts educators, arts students and others signed the petition below:

Artist Letter For Clemency

Members of the Legal Profession

Over 80 lawyers, paralegals, law students, trainees, employees of law firms and members of the legal profession in Singapore signed the following petition:

Legal profession statement


Numerous environmental /civil society organisations and individuals signed the following solidarity/clemency statement:

Solidarity/Clemency Statement for Nagaenthran by Environmentalists

Drug Users and Former Drug Users

People who identify as drug users, former drug users and their family members also wrote a statement in solidarity with Nagaen:

Statement from Users / Ex-Users