#StopTheKilling, a campaign launched by the Transformative Justice Collective, is inspired by a groundswell of protest and public outcry against judicial executions in 2022. As calls for abolition grow stronger across different segments of society — especially among younger Singaporeans and ethnic minority communities — we demand an immediate moratorium on executions, followed by an independent and transparent review of the use of the death penalty in Singapore.

Eleven men have already been hanged so far in 2022, all for non-violent drug offences. As local and international attention on the state’s killing spree grows, it's clear that there's a dearth of information and accountability from the state on who is on death row, the conditions that prisoners on death row suffer, how and when executions are scheduled, and how clemency petitions are considered, among other things. Serious and urgent questions have been raised about why an overwhelming majority of people on death row are ethnic minorities from marginalised backgrounds, how the judicial system is heavily stacked against persons facing capital charges and fraught with risk of unsafe trials, the government’s claims that the death penalty is necessary to deter harmful drug use in Singapore, and the incredible trauma that the death penalty inflicts on families and communities.

Hundreds of people have written and signed clemency appeals pleading for mercy for death row prisoners, only to be ignored by the President and Cabinet. Severe restrictions on civil and political freedoms, a culture of fear and self-censorship, and the lack of independent media reporting means that most Singaporeans’ understanding of the death penalty is informed almost solely by government and government-linked propaganda. The voices of people on death row and their families are systematically silenced, abolitionists aren’t given access to schools or other platforms to share their views, and it remains illegal to distribute flyers in public places or hold protests outside of Hong Lim Park.

Despite this, we have seen a shift in public opinion over the years. As scrutiny of the death penalty regime grows, the government should halt executions and create a freer environment for the people to understand diverse perspectives on the death penalty. Singaporeans must have opportunities to consider for ourselves whether arguments for and against the death penalty are backed by scientific, evidence-based approaches.

We launched #StopTheKilling because we believe that over dinner table discussions and sincere, brave conversations with neighbours and friends, we can make sure that more and more people in Singapore have access to stories, data and analysis, allowing them to come to a more informed, fair and compassionate position on the death penalty. We are confident that, when given the chance to think and feel more deeply, people will see the injustice of the death penalty and the way it strips us of our power, dignity and humanity.

#StopTheKilling is currently focused on :
(A) collecting physical signatures for a people’s petition calling for a moratorium on executions and an independent review of the death penalty regime and,
(B) presenting a petition by families of people on death row (past and present) before the parliament for debate and action.

Both petitions will be used to pressure ruling party and opposition party politicians to confront our questions and demands. You can read more about each petition and our outreach efforts below.

People's petition for a moratorium on executions

Parliamentary petition by families of people on death row

Meeting ministers at their Meet-The-People sessions

Public outreach

World Day Against The Death Penalty

The World Day Against The Death Penalty takes place on 10 October every year, uniting the worldwide movement for abolition in strength and solidarity. This year, our dream that Singapore will join the list of countries that have abolished the death penalty burns brighter, fuelled by the courage of death row prisoners who have fought “till the noose is around my neck”; the determination and love of their families who are speaking up in ever greater numbers; and the commitment and tenacity of a growing movement of abolitionists.

Singapore's Death Penalty Regime

Learn about those who have been directly affected by the death penalty in Singapore:

  1. People on death row

  2. 2022 executions

Read up on Singapore's capital punishment system:

  1. Debunking myths

  2. Statistic and data

  3. Legal development

  4. In the news

  5. Other resources

Find out who we are and how you can be part of the movement