About Us

The Saskatoon Construction Association is a non-profit organization with a mandate to provide tendering, education and networking opportunities to over 575 members active in the commercial construction industry in our province. Our association has proudly been serving the commercial, industrial, and institutional construction industry in Saskatchewan since 1931.

We have proudly revamped our partnership with the Saskatchewan Construction Association (SKCA), Prince Albert Construction Association (PACA), Regina Construction Association (RCA), and the Moose Jaw Construction Association (MJCA). We have further aligned our practices to reduce duplication, increase efficiency and ultimately increase your value for membership.


The SCA is a professional association of over 400-member companies throughout the Saskatoon region. 

We provide members with leading-edge services and opportunities to advance the industry’s development, advocate for the industry, for professional development and to develop industry relationships. 

What We Do


Through a BuildWorks subscription, members can access up-to-date tendering and construction opportunities, which we work hard to actively seek out and maintain the most up-to-date projects commercial construction projects. Last year the association provided members with over 2161 projects through this program.

In addition to current projects, we are currently redeveloping information we are able to provide our members on Pre-Bid projects, so that organizations are prepared for these jobs once they come to tender or if they are procured in alternative ways. In 2018 we entered into a partnership with Construction Associations in Alberta & Manitoba to improve this service even further for our members. 

Education & Networking Events

The Association’s education and events are strategically targeted to member and industry needs and are some of the top opportunities for individuals and organizations in commercial construction to build their skills and networks.  Our events are exclusive to members, ensuring that you're connecting with the right people.  Our courses directly relate to industry skills and are instructed by respected industry professionals through a construction-focused lens. 


Through years of collaboration, our Association is proud to have a close relationship with municipal governments which allows us to collaborate with them on issues important to the industry.  Examples of local advocacy efforts include Building Permit Timelines, Right of Way Permits and Water Retention Changes. In addition to local advocacy, integrated membership with the Saskatchewan and Canadian Construction Associations provide members with a collective voice for issues pertaining to the construction industry at the provincial and national levels and work towards change for a better industry overall.

2024 Board of Directors

Past President

Greg Hipperson

Hy-Grade Millwork Ltd.


Chad Leverick

Alliance Energy Ltd.

Pavan Sidhu

1st Vice


Brent Mareschal

2nd Vice

Quorex Construction

Lance Plamondon

Ledcor Construction Limited

Jeremy Flamand

Peak Mechanical Ltd

Jason Baptist

Century Roofing

Sean Thompson

Flynn Group of Companies

Grant Grenier


Brennen Mills

Saskatoon Fire & Flood

Stefanie Swan

VCM Construction

Clay Newby

PCL Construction Management

Past Presidents and HLMs


Executive Committee

Governance & Industry Relations and Nominations

President: Greg Hipperson

1st Vice-President: Chad Leverick

2nd Vice-President: Pavan Sidhu (acting)

Past President & Nominations: Carey Tait

Executive Director: Shannon Friesen

Finance and Human Resources


Greg Hipperson

Committee Members

Tim Hawryluk

Ryan Vanjoff

Trevor Friesen

Stuart Sutton

Industry Inclusion


Pavan Sidhu

Committee Members

Claire Marentette

Jeremy Flamand

Leslie Doka

Sean Thompson

Saskatchewan Construction Association Representatives

SKCA Board of Directors

Carey Tait

Greg Hipperson

SKCA Advisory Council

Chad Leverick

Greg Hipperson (alternate)

Saskatchewan Bid Depository Inc. (SBDI)

Bid Depository Local Representatives

Greg Hipperson

Chad Leverick

Brad Kornum

Michael Bzdel

Doug Christie

Curtis Kincaid

Chief Executive Officer

Shannon Friesen

Municipal Advocacy Committee


Carey Tait

Committee Members

Lance Plamondon

Chad Leverick

Drew Mitchell

Pavan Sidhu

Cornerstone Advisory Representative

Brent Mareschal

Young Executives


Ashley McConnell-Quesnel

Board Liason

Brent Mareschal 

Committee Members

Mackenzie Embury

Jordan Boyd

Travis David

Rhys Hipperson

Carissa Doepker

Amber Guenther

Dean Derksen

Curling Planning


Brad Kennedy

Board Liason

Brad Barber

Committee Members

Vincent Dziadyk

Pat Little

Laird Ritchie

Ron Stasiuk

Drew Mitchell

James Waldbillig

Members Gala Planning

Chair & Board Liason

Jason Baptist

Committee Members

Lance Plamondon

Justin Dupuis

Ashley McConnell-Quesnel

Amber Guenther

Golf Planning

Chair & Board Liason


Committee Members

Barry Shelton

Jules Hrapchak

Greg Hipperson

Cory Rodych

Chad Leverick

Ryan McConnell