Introduction. A little about Samsung, a little about Galaxy…

Before proceeding with the Samsung firmware, it is important to familiarize yourself a little with the device itself. So you can learn some useful things that you previously did not even suspect. Therefore, let's take a short excursion into the space world of Samsung Galaxy devices - such as the n9005 Note, n900, S3, N7100, and others.

The Samsung smartphone market today is an impressive share. The mobile giant in the modern world is the biggest competitor for another popular company that even children know about - Apple. And this is no coincidence because Samsung presents to the public a large number of a wide variety of devices in all possible price categories. This, in principle, gives the company a certain advantage - the availability of devices for all segments of the population. If a person cannot afford a smartphone for 20,000 rubles, but he needs modern functions, then budget models can provide some of them. And Samsung does a pretty good job in this regard: the company's devices in the budget price segment have a large number of necessary functions in their arsenal.

The most popular are models of the Galaxy series. They include both premium smartphones S, S Edge, and Note, as well as more affordable ones - A, Grand, Grand Prime, and others. How do these devices differ from each other?

As you know, the Galaxy S and S Edge are the company's top smartphones, which are released every year with new features, functions, and features, getting a new number in the name (the latest version of the series is the seventh). The note is positioned as a tablet phone (quite a popular word today), a device for business people or creative people. For those who constantly need a big screen, the main feature of this device is the S Pen, which allows you to create quick notes, sketches, and other types of handwriting directly on the screen in various applications.

Grand and Grand Prime are positioned in the segment of budget smartphones as the most popular. And this is no accident: the devices have two cameras - front and main, a touch screen, support for high-speed networks, access to the global network, and the ability to install almost any program (except complex games and applications) and use them.

Naturally, not all available mobile devices from Samsung today were named above.

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What do you need to know before flashing a smartphone?

So, if you are going to do this difficult task, then we hasten to please you. Because anyone can install Stock ROMor reflash Samsung Galaxy Firmware (such as the n9005 Note, n900, S3, N7100, and others). To do this, you just need to familiarize yourself with the initial data, some features, and most importantly, follow the instructions.

What do you need before starting your mission?

  1. The Samsung device itself with a charged battery (at least 80 percent). This is necessary for an unexpected stop of the device and further program failures.

  2. Original USB cable for connecting to a computer. The cord is supplied in the kit, but if suddenly you don’t have it, you can use the available one. However, it is worth remembering that such actions are performed at your own peril and risk.

  3. Internet connection with unlimited traffic. This is necessary in order to download the firmware itself, which can weigh more than one gigabyte. In principle, tariffs with limited traffic may also be suitable if this does not provide you with any inconvenience. If you are not sure what your tariff is, be sure to check with your Internet provider.

  4. Desire and patience will become your faithful companion. You may not be able to flash or reflash your Samsung Galaxy the first time. Do not be upset in this case. Better try to carefully review whether you did everything right and whether you could have made a mistake somewhere.

What are the ways of firmware?

You can flash your device (Samsung Galaxy n9005 Note, n900, S3, N7100, and others) using both official Samsung tools and third-party utilities. Let's take a look at each of these values, then move on to their instructions.

  1. Firmware update with official software. This can be done from the smartphone itself, without using a computer, or with its help by directly connecting the device via the USB port. This is necessary for those who just want to upgrade the version of the operating system - for example, from Android4 to Android 5.0.

  2. Flashing or flashing with third-party tools. The most popular service in this matter is the Odin program. It is easily installed on a computer or laptop and is provided to users free of charge.

Official firmware update

Without using a computer

  1. So, you have decided to update the version of the operating system of your smartphone without any cords and other devices, but only by the device itself. Go!

  2. Initially, we connect to a Wi-Fi network. Without this, there is no point in going further. If there is no access to wireless networks, but there is a computer with access to the global network and a USB cable, then go to the next paragraph called "Using a computer."

  3. Now go to the "Settings" menu and find the "About device" item. Here we will need a tab called "Software Update". Click the Update button.

  4. If your smartphone says that updates have already been installed on your device, it means that there is no available firmware for your device. That is, the latest available version of the operating system is installed.

  5. Otherwise, you need to agree to download updates and wait for them to complete. When finished, click on the install button. After that, your Samsung Galaxy will start updating the system, during which the device cannot be used. In no case do not turn off the phone, do not try to restart it or remove the battery - you can get a "brick", that is, a completely non-working device.

  6. Only when you see the familiar home screen and a message that you have successfully completed the firmware update procedure, you can use the device as usual.

Using a computer

  1. To work, you must have access to the Internet from a computer or laptop. Otherwise, you cannot do anything.

  2. Download the Smart Switch software on the PC from the official website of the company (

  3. Now we connect the smartphone with a USB cable to the PC and wait until the device is detected.

  4. The program itself will show you the availability of a new version of the operating system for the device in a special small window. If the outcome of events is positive, the “Update” button will appear, which you will need to click on.

  5. It remains to wait for the download and installation of updates to complete. Installation may take a long time, so please be patient.

  6. As in the previous version, in no case turn off the device, and do not unplug the cord from the computer. Keep both your PC and phone running smoothly to avoid unexpected breakdowns.

  7. After a successful firmware update, you can continue to work with your smartphone in normal mode.

What should you know after flashing?

Samsung, in its official manual (instructions) for upgrading the operating system, recommends doing a data reset after such manipulations. Otherwise, Samsung warns of possible system failures. This will not necessarily happen with your gadget, but you can take it into account if you find such problems in the future work with the phone.

However, it is worth remembering that before resetting, it is important to save all available data: photos, contacts, videos, music, and documents. You can do this manually, by simply transferring information to a computer, or using the Smart Switch utility, which allows you to back up your Samsung Galaxy n9005 Note, n900, S3, N7100, and others.

Firmware using a third-party Odin program

First, read the main points that in no case should not be violated. You have been warned about this several times so that later you don’t grab your head and say to yourself: “What have I done?”. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and carefully look at what needs to be done and what you are doing.

  1. You perform all operations at your own peril and risk. This is the most important rule because after flashing in an unofficial way, you lose Samsung warranties.

  2. Do not pull out the power cord of a computer or laptop, that is, ensure unconditional operation of the PC.

  3. Charge your smartphone at least 80-90 percent so that it cannot be discharged during the update.

  4. When connecting to a PC, use only the original cable.

Preparing and configuring services

As you may have noticed, these rules are the same as those for updating through Samsung's official means, so it will be easy for you to comply with them. Now let's move on to the most important thing:

  1. First, download the Odin utility.

  2. Now download the firmware file for your device to your computer. If you don’t know where to do this, you can use the Samsung Firmware Linker program, which allows you to find and download the firmware specifically for your device.

  3. Download the driver for your device to your computer. This is necessary for the correct detection and configuration of the smartphone when it is connected to the PC. You can use the resource (

  4. Be sure to save all important data from the device to any other medium, just in case. Because when flashing, partial or complete loss of information from the gadget is possible.

  5. The preparatory work is over, and we are moving on to the main process. We put the phone into firmware mode. If you do not know how to do this, then try this option: turn off the device, hold down the volume down, and central and lock (off) buttons at the same time. With proper operation, you must exit to a special menu, where using the volume up the key you agree to start in firmware mode. If you do not get into such a menu, then find this information specifically for your device.

  6. If everything worked out for you, then you can connect the device to the computer via USB. Wait a while for the necessary drivers to install.

  7. After that, you can launch the Odin app on your computer. In the left corner, you will see that the gadget is connected, which means we are moving on.

  8. Now you need to add the firmware files in the correct order. If for single-file firmware everything is very clear (insert the firmware into the AP or PDA field by clicking on the appropriate button), then with multi-file firmware you will have to tinker a little longer.

Multi-file firmware

Let's figure out which files and in which field you need to insert:

  1. PIT is inserted into the PIT field.

  2. tar.md5 - in BL or Bootloader.

  3. File CODE_xxxxx.tar.md5 - in AP or PDA.

  4. File MODEM_xxxxx.tar.md5 - in CP or PHONE.

  5. tar.md5 - in CSC.


  1. Please note that you do not need to put any checkmarks on the left if the firmware itself does not provide for this.

  2. After the correct arrangement of the firmware files, press the START button and wait for the program to complete. When finished, the word RESET or PASS will appear on the left. The device will now reboot and be ready to use again. You can disconnect your smartphone from your computer.


If after flashing or flashing your device you cannot turn it on (the so-called "perpetual reboot"), then try resetting it. It is also known by its other name - Wipe. We hope that you can still get the firmware or flashing of the Samsung Galaxy n9005 Note, n900, S3, N7100, and others without any incidents. Good luck, dear readers.