

Where is my child working at in Maths?

The above image gives you a comparison of the Numeracy Project, Curriculum Level and Year Level. If you look at your child's / children's reports you will be able to see where your child sits in mathematics.


Basic facts are a key knowledge area of mathematics. When we have a strong working knowledge of basic facts we are able to tackle problems and new mathematical concept with greater confidence, as we are not worried about the basic facts. Below you will see what is expected at each level.

Learning of Basic Facts

It is expected that by the end of:

Year 2:

Children will know addition and subtraction facts to 10 with instant recall

Doubles and halves to 20

10 and facts e.g 10 + 3 = 13, 10 + ___ = 17

Multiples of 10 that add to 100

Year 4:

Children will know addition facts to 20

Multiplication facts for the 2, 5, 10 x tables and the corresponding division facts

Multiples of 100 that add to 1000

Year 6:

Children will know subtraction facts to 20

Multiplication facts for the 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 x tables and some corresponding division facts

Year 8:

Children will know division basic facts up to the 10 x tables