
Worship Ministries

For every Sunday of worship, volunteers provide hospitality, prepare the altar, lead and serve in worship.  The roles are simple, but the work is meaningful, as we gather together and offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to God.  Worship ministries are a great way to get involved, even if you're new to the community, or have never served in worship before. 

Sunday Service Volunteers

Acolytes   Coordinator:  Rick Marshall  

Acolytes participate in the procession and assist at the altar for weekly Sunday services and for special services such as weddings, funerals, and ordinations.

The Acolytes vest (put on white robes), light the candles on the altar, and lead the procession into the church at the beginning of the service. The crucifer carries the cross and assists in preparing the bread and wine. At the end of the service, acolytes lead the procession out of the church.

Responsibilities include attending training sessions, being on time (20 minutes before the service begins), participating in the service and arranging for a replacement if you cannot serve when you are scheduled.

When - Sunday mornings at the 8:00 and 10:30 worship services and special services when scheduled.

Who – We welcome all (ages 10 and older) who would like to serve in this important role.  Families can serve together.

Time Involved – Presently Acolytes serve about twice a month. Training and cool robes are provided.

Altar Guild  Coordinator:  Chickie Lerdal

The Altar Guild prepares the altar for Sunday and special services. As a member of the Altar Guild, you will be working in a team to prepare the Lord's Table for Holy Communion.  The Altar Guild is also responsible for the care and cleaning of items used with the Eucharist, such as linens, candles, and the altar. 

Responsibilities include arriving at least 30 minutes early to prepare for the service, clean up after worship, and preparation for the following week.  Members take linens home to be cleaned and ironed and participate in occasional "deeper" cleanings of the sacristy and sanctuary.

When - Sunday mornings for the 8:00 and 10:30 services.  Some teams prefer to prepare the altar on Saturdays.

Who - All are welcome to join.

Time involved - Teams typically serve once per month and as needed for Holy Days, weddings, and funerals.  New members will have one training session.

Chalice Bearers     Coordinator:  Rick Marshall

This faithful group serves at the altar as chalice bearers during Holy Communion.  Coming forward when it is time to serve the Communion, the Lay Eucharistic Ministers offer the sacrament to each person.  Chalice Bearers will participate in training sessions and are then licensed by the Bishop for service at the altar.

Responsibilities include attending training sessions, being on time (20 minutes before the service begins), participating in the service and arranging for a replacement if you cannot serve when you are scheduled.

When - Sunday mornings at the 8:00 and 10:30 services.  Special services including funerals and weddings may require a Chalice Bearer. 

Who - All are welcome to join.

Time Involved – Chalice Bearers typically serve about once or twice per month depending on the number of those serving.

Choir     Music Director:  Carol Nike  

There are so many opportunities for you to share your love of God through music during worship services.  The choir helps to lead the congregation in singing and to inspire our worship with the beauty of music.  There is no audition, and all are welcome. 

When – Rehearsals are on Sundays at 9:30 am.  The choir performs at the 10:30 am service.

Who - All are welcome to join.

Time Involved - Choir members are asked to attend the rehearsals and Sunday services as often as they are able, which adds up to about 3 hours each week. 

Coffee Hour     Coordinator: 

After the 8:00 and 10:30 service, we gather together in the Parish Hall for fellowship and socializing – a time to catch up with friends and acquaint yourself with new people of the congregation. Here at St James, we have a wonderful tradition of fellowship and hospitality and Coffee Hour is a special part of that tradition.  If you are interested in hosting Coffee Hour, we would be so grateful! Hosting is simple! It includes coffee and beyond that, it is anything you want to bring. Plates, cups, cutlery, and coffee are supplied.

Counters     Coordinator: Mary Ganier

After each Sunday Service, a dedicated group of counters organizes and count the offertory after the services.  Each counter group consists of a Vestry member and one other church volunteer.  It takes approximately 15 minutes to count the funds and fill out the necessary documentation. We welcome church members that are willing to serve in this capacity!

Greeters (Ushers)     Coordinator: Rick Marshall

Our greeters welcome the congregation and assist with their seating. They distribute the worship bulletins and are available to assist the congregation with any situational problems which might arise. Greeters also identify those who are visiting and offer hospitality by answering questions and helping people to feel at home in the church.

Responsibilities include distributing worship bulletins to those entering the church, collecting the offering, providing attendance counts, and guiding worshippers to communion.  Ushers arrive 20 minutes before the beginning of the service and remain for a few minutes afterward to straighten up. Ushers serve about once a month on Sunday morning at the service of their choice. Also, ushers are needed to serve at extra services during the Christmas and Easter holidays and occasionally for special services.

When - Sunday mornings at the 8:00 and 10:30 services.

Who - All are welcome to join.

Time Involved - Once per month at the service of your choice, plus one training session.

Lectors   Coordinator: Rick Marshall

An important part of the worship service is listening to the stories of our faith and the wisdom of Holy Scripture.  Lectors lead the community in this exercise by reading the lessons appointed for each Sunday during the worship services.  When they are assigned, Lectors are asked to prepare by reading and becoming familiar with their appointed lesson.

When - Sunday mornings at the 8:00 and 10:30 worship services.

Who - All adults and youth in fifth grade or older who enjoy public reading.

Time involved - Lectors are typically scheduled to read every 4-6 weeks.  Please arrive about 10 minutes before the scheduled service to check the lectern and ensure that readings are properly marked.

 Sunday School     Coordinator: Mary Ganier

Children have a special place at St. James'. Gifted Sunday school teachers, all of the members of our congregation, take great care in teaching the children about our faith. There are a variety of activities for young and older children, including community outreach programs and our beloved Christmas Pageant.

Other Volunteering Opportunities

Daughters of the King     Coordinator: Chickie Lerdal

The Order of the Daughters of the King is a lay Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, or churches in communion with it. There are chapters in the Episcopal Church, Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Churches, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.

The Daughters serve in many ways including, praying daily for those on her prayer list, supporting the rector and clergy of the church, as well as helping to provide receptions after special services held at the church. Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. By reaffirmation of the promises made at Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ's Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. his ministry offers a time of communion, prayer, and fellowship to our home-bound, nursing home residents or hospitalized parishioners who cannot attend church. Lay ministers may also bring communion to those in need.

Office Volunteers    Coordinator: Rick Marshall

Volunteers are needed to help assist the office staff. Duties may include answering phones, data entry, updating the Parish Register and Memorial Books, help with mailings and other special projects.

When – Volunteers work Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday afternoons from 12:45 to 3:00. 

Who - All are welcome to volunteer.

Time Involved - As much as you'd like to offer.

Vestry     Coordinator:  Fr. John and the Senior Warden

The Vestry is the governing body of St. James, working with the rector to offer leadership in ministry and care for the resources and property of the Church.  They are the legal representative of the Parish in all matters concerning its corporate property and the relation of the Parish to its Clergy.  With a total of nine members, three new members are elected each year in January at the Annual Parish Meeting to serve a three-year term.  Vestry officers include the Senior Warden (appointed by the rector), the Jr. Warden (having primary responsibility for the care and maintenance of the buildings and grounds), the clerk, and the treasurer. 

When - Vestry meetings generally take place on the 4th Saturday of each month at 10:00 am. 

Who - Active, Confirmed Members in Good Standing may run for election to the Vestry.

Time Involved - Vestry Members attend an annual retreat, monthly meetings, and other meetings and actions as needed.  Time may vary between 3 and 8 hours per month.

Committees Coordinator: Senior Warden

Please see the Committees page on this website for opportunities.