Oxymetholone - healed the glory of the most powerful tableted steroid after Halotest. Oxymetholone is an effective steroid for the rapid increase in muscle mass and strength, considered the elite AAS but also with a more toxic effect. Oxymetholone has a powerful anabolic activity, and therefore is often used by athletes and security officials on courses during the period of mass gain. The effectiveness of the drug is amazing, on the Internet there are reviews of a different nature on oxymetholone buy, there are many of them, because the price relative to the result makes this substance one of the most popular anabolic steroids in the sports pharmacology market.

Oxymetholone was first synthesized in 1960 under the trade name Anadrol, developed and promoted at that time by the international company Syntex Pharmaceuticals. The drug has a clear purpose, the treatment of severe anemia and osteoporosis. Medical use ends after some time, when a number of new treatments are created, mainly through the emergence of the synthetic non-steroidal hormone Epogen (Erethropoietin), which practices the same effect of increasing the number of red blood cells, but without negative manifestations. The production of Anadrol is greatly reduced. Nevertheless, sports activities are actively interested in the effect of oxymetholone, which gives a new start to the Anadrol epic.

Action and effect of Oxymetholone

The effect of the steroid is expressed in a rapid and powerful increase in the volume of the athlete's mass, the muscles seem to inflate in a matter of time. Oxymetholone strongly inhibits and reduces the sex hormone globulin, which increases the level of free testosterone in the blood. This effect increases the growth of mass and strength. But it is worth noting that 30% of the mass will consist of liquid, which will eventually leave at the end of the course. This drug breaks all records for the rollback phenomenon, so do not reassure yourself. During the course of Oxymetholone, you can gain up to 15 kg of total weight, while the muscles will be swollen and voluminous.

A very important quality of the steroid is the ability to synthesize the level of synovial fluid in the joints, so that strength athletes can increase their strength results without the risk of injury and sprains. According to numerous reviews, we can confidently say that oxymetholone for bodybuilding is able to eliminate pain and stress from the joints and ligaments. Synovial fluid plays the role of a lubricant, so for powerlifters and weightlifters, Oxymetholone is considered the best choice in the development of strength indicators.

Reception and dosage

Doses generally depend on the weight of the athlete, the maximum dose can be increased to 150 mg per day, this dosage is suitable for athletes weighing over 100 kg. For lighter athletes, 1-2 tablets per day (50-100 mg) will be enough, a larger dosage will not give a better result, but will only increase the risk of unwanted side effects. To achieve maximum results, the course can last 4-6 weeks, exceeding these norms is highly not recommended, due to the preservation of the health of the body. Oxymetholone cycle can be taken by persons over 21 years of age.

Oxymetholone 50 can be taken alone or with other anabolic steroids. In the course of gaining mass and strength, Oxymetholone is successfully combined with Nandrolone Decanoate, Testosterone, Primobolan. To eliminate adverse reactions, it is necessary to take anti-estrogens, such as Clomid or Nolvadex, during and after the course. Taking hCG during the cycle makes it possible to save a significant part of the gained mass.

Side effects

The likelihood of Oxindrol side effects should not be underestimated. It is able to increase liver enzymes, has a high toxicity, so it is recommended to take hepatoprotectors during and after the cycle to reduce toxicity and accelerate liver recovery. Even optimal doses can cause acne, oily skin, aggression, and excessive hair growth.