Online International Conference in Actuarial science, Data science, and Finance

Covid19 is going to change the financial markets and the insurance-reinsurance network. As actuarial science, data science and finance researchers, we cannot easily help for the current phase as we are not medical doctors or epidemiologists. But we can help to mitigate/manage the financial/risk management consequences by carrying out relevant research in 2020-2021. For this we need to learn NOW from experts and decision makers what the research challenges are.

Therefore we are organising an online conference on April 28-29, 2020 with two goals :


Enabling researchers and young researchers to present actuarial / data science / financial research that was done before covid19 (therefore NOT related to covid19)


Having 1 or 2 roundtables that describe covid19 implications on the economy, and which help us to know which research topics we could investigate in the future if we want to help (WACA roundtables : What Actuaries Could Accomplish Researchwise in 2020-21).

We also planned (classical) plenary talks on topics that could be useful for post-covid research, as well as a quite different talk by José Blanchet about a social platform startup that he created in response to covid19 in US and Mexico and the associated data science future challenges.