Lyon Columbia workshop
First Lyon-Columbia research workshop on Actuarial Science, Quantitative Risk Management and Data Science for insurance and finance
This 2-day event, held on June 27-28, 2016 in Lyon, is the first edition of a research workshop jointly organized by SAF research lab (ISFA, Université Lyon 1) and Columbia University (stats and IEOR departments in particular).
Talks are given by Columbia and SAF researchers as well as special guests. Research discussions are planned to start interactions on the topics of Cardif research chair DAMI (Data Analytics and Models in Insurance) and of ANR project LoLitA (Longevity with Lifestyle Adjustments).
At the end of this seminar, a ceremony will take place in honour of Emil Julius Gumbel, famous statistician and former professor of ISFA and Columbia University. Lecture hall G3 at ISFA will be renamed after the name of Gumbel.
Scientific contacts: Stéphane Loisel (ISFA) and José Blanchet (Columbia, Stats & IEOR depts)