EAJ 2016
The 3rd European Actuarial Journal (EAJ) Conference (Sept. 5-8, 2016) is an international conference in actuarial science and insurance mathematics. The aim is to bring together practicing actuaries and academics to discuss about challenging and current topics in actuarial science. We invite researchers and practitioners to present their scientific work on the topics:
Life and Pension Insurance Mathematics
Data science for insurance and finance
Non-Life Insurance Mathematics
Risk Management and Solvency II
Mathematical Finance with Applications in Insurance
Economics of Insurance
Note that academic talks start on Tuesday, September 6th morning. On September 5th, registration desk will be open and the EAJ conference will start at 7:30p.m. with a welcome cocktail, at the end of the satellite day in honour of Claude Lefèvre (please see details below).
The Summer School of the Institut des Actuaires (Sept. 6-8, 2016) is an associated event of the 3rd EAJ Conference, aimed at French practitioners and providing a general overview over the past and current research results and their practical applications.
On September 5th, a satellite academic research day (9a.m.-6:30p.m.) is organized on the occasion of the emeritus status of Prof. Claude Lefèvre (ULB and ISFA). This one-day event will be concluded by a cocktail (7:30p.m.-9:30p.m.) that coincides with the welcome cocktail of the EAJ Conference. All participants are invited to join this cocktail.