My currently active research projects focus on: Mountain building processes and active tectonics in Sicily, Taiwan and Tian-Shan ranges; Earthquake dynamics and seismic cycle in the context of strike-slip intra-continental faults and subduction zones; the interactions between tectonics and surface processes, in particular in the context of climate change, on landscape evolution.

Domains of expertise: Structural Geology, Analog Modeling, Seismic Cycle, Mountain Building, Geomorphology, Remote Sensing, Marine Geology. Manager of the Geosciences Montpellier Analog Modeling Laboratory (LMA).

PI and partner of 12 CNRS and University of Montpellier projects (Partner; Marmarascarp AO Ifremer, 2005. PI; Sadil Mi-Lourd 2002, ATIP CineFaille 2002, Dyeti (volet NW Iran), 2005, INSU-Relief Chine, 2005, PNTS, 2006, INSU Modexsis 2008 and INSU Follow-up Action 2010, Subquake-3D, Def-eSicily, Def-eSicily-Val). Partner of 8 ANR projects (TectoClimat 2005, ACTS 2006, QuakeonScarp 2006, Danacor 2007, Centurisk 2009, Quake-on-Scarps, 2013, Fault-R-Gems, 2017, Topo-Extreme, 2019).

Fieldwork studies, Marine geology (cruises), and main Experimental developments

CNRS-INSU-UM Grants (most recents)

2008-2010: MODEXSIS, "A new experimental model to study strike-slip fault seismic cycle", PI S. Dominguez and Yannick Caniven. ->PDF of the Proposal

2012-2015: SUBQUAKEX "2D and 3D analog models to study subduction megathrust earthquakes", PI S. Dominguez. ->Proposal PDF

2017-2019: DEF-eSICILY, "Active Deformation and Geodynamics of Eastern Sicily", PI S. Dominguez and M. Henriquet. -> Proposal PDF

National ANR projects (most recents)

2007-2009: DANACOR, "Active Deformation of Northern Africa: Tectonic Inversion of the Algerian Margin", PI J. Deverchère. -> Abstract PDF

2009-2013: CENTURISK, "A novel method to identify the faults prone to break in the coming century, hence posing the most immediate risk", PI I. Manighetti. -> PDF of the Proposal

2013-2016: QUAKE-ON-SCARPS, "Characterizing Past Earthquake Successions on Fault Scarps with

Cosmogenic 36Cl and Morpho-Chemical Properties of Exposed Surfaces", PI I. Manighetti. -> PDF of the Proposal

2018-2021: FAULTS-R-GEMS, "Properties of FAULTS, a key to Realistic Generic Earthquake Modeling and hazard Simulation", PI I. Manighetti. -> PDF of the Proposal

2019-2022: TOPO-EXTREME, "Short time-scale landscape evolution and topographic signature of extreme climatic and tectonic events" , PI R. Cattin. -> PDF of the Proposal

International Projects (ERC) and Private-sector partnerships

2017: S2S: Modeling of drainage dynamics influence on sediment routing system in a fold-and-thrust belt. Ph.D. thesis of Marc Viaplana-Muzas (advisors: J. Babault, S. Dominguez). REPSOL-UAB Barcelona-University of Montpellier.

2018: TAJIK: Impact of syn-tectonic sedimentation on the deformation mechanics of a foreland basin on evaporitic décollement: Analogue modeling of the Tajik basin. M.Sc. of A. Hamon, University of Montpellier-TOTAL Direct Energy.

2018-2020: DAMAGE : Structural study and analog modeling of fault damage zones in carbonate rocks. Ph.D. thesis of S. Mayolle (advisors: R. Soliva, S. Dominguez). University of Montpellier - TOTAL Direct Energy.

2019-2024: ERC FOCUS : Fiber Optic Cable Use for Seafloor studies of earthquake hazard and deformation. PI M.-A. Gutscher (Laboratoire Géosciences Océan, UBO, Brest). European Research Council, advanced Grant.

S. Dominguez

S. Dominguez : C-5240-2011