S. Dominguez :  

S. Dominguez : C-5240-2011


In Preparation

Dominguez et al., 2024. Improving Analog Material Properties to Investigate Landscape Geomorphologic Evolution in Active Tectonic Contexts, In Preparation.

Garcia-Estève, C., Dominguez, S., Cattin, R., 2024. What is the influence of Fault Slip Mode on Landscape Morphology? Findings from combined Analog and Numerical modeling, to be submitted to Geomorphology.

Submitted/In Revision/In Press

Viger, A., Dominguez, S., Mazzotti, S., Peyret, M., Henriquet, M., Barreca, G., Monaco, C., Damon, A.. Interseismic and long-term deformation of Southeastern Sicily driven by the Ionian slab roll-back, Submitted to Solid Earth in January 2024. Under Revision (04/2024).

ARTICLES (1995-2023)


Mayolle, S., Soliva, R., Dominguez, S., Wibberley, C., 2023. Normal fault damage zone growth in map view from analogue models. Journal of Structural Geology, 176, pp.104975. ⟨10.1016/j.jsg.2023.104975⟩. PDF -> ⟨hal-04264210⟩

Charreau, J., Blard, P.-H., Lavé, J., Dominguez, S., Li, W., 2023. Unsteady topography in the eastern Tianshan due to imbalance between denudation and crustal thickening. Tectonophysics, 848. 229702. 10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229702. PDF ->


Henriquet, M., Peyret, M., Dominguez, S., Barreca, G., Monaco, C., & Mazzotti, S., 2022. Present-day surface deformation of Sicily derived from Sentinel-1 InSAR time-series. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2021JB023071. https://doi. org/10.1029/2021JB023071. PDF ->

The Seismic Cycle : from observation to modeling, Frédérique Rolandone, ISTE Ltd, London, UK. Chapitre 13 « Analog modeling of the seismic cycle and earthquake dynamics », S. Dominguez. ISBN : 9781789450385. Publication Date : October 2022. Hardcover 356 pp


Caniven, Y. and Dominguez, S., 2021. Validation of a Multilayered Analog Model Integrating Crust-Mantle Visco-Elastic Coupling to Investigate Subduction Megathrust Earthquake Cycle, Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 2021, 126 (2), pp.e2020JB020342. PDF ->

Garcia-Estève, C., Caniven, Y., Cattin, R., Dominguez, S., and Sylvain, R.. 2021. "Morphotectonic Evolution of an Alluvial Fan: Results of a Joint Analog and Numerical Modeling Approach" Geosciences, 11, no. 10: 412. PDF ->

Mayolle, S., Soliva, R., Dominguez, S., Wibberley, C., Caniven, Y., 2021. Nonlinear fault damage zone scaling revealed through analog modeling. Geology, Geological Society of America, 2021, 49 (8), pp.968−972.. 10.1130/g48760.1t. PDF ->

Strzerzynski, P., Dominguez, S., Boudiaf, A., Déverchère, J., 2021. Tectonic Inversion and Geomorphic Evolution of the Algerian Margin Since Messinian Times: Insights From New Onshore/Offshore Analog Modeling Experiments. Tectonics, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2021, 40 (2), pp.e2020TC006369. PDF ->

Mattéo, L., Manighetti, I., Tarabalka, Y., Gaucel, J.-M., van den Ende, M., Mercier, A., Tasar, O., Girard, N., Leclerc, F., Giampetro, T., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., 2021. Automatic fault mapping in remote optical images and topographic data with deep learning. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union. PDF ->


Manighetti I., C. Perrin, Y. Gaudemer, S. Dominguez, N. Stewart, J. Malavieille, and S. Garambois,  2020. Repeated giant earthquakes on the Wairarapa fault, New Zealand, revealed by Lidar-based paleoseismology. Sci Rep 10, 2124. PDF ->

Henriquet, M., Dominguez, S., Barreca, G., Malavieille, J., Monaco, C., 2020. Structural and tectono-stratigraphic review of the Sicilian orogen and new insights from analogue modeling, Earth Science Review, 208:103257. PDF ->


Solaymani Azad, S., Nemati, M., Abbassi, M.-R. Foroutan, M., Khaled Hessami, Dominguez, S., Bolourchi, M.-J., Shahpasandzadeh, M., 2019. Active-couple indentation in geodynamics of NNW Iran: Evidence from synchronous left- and right-lateral co-linear seismogenic faults in western Alborz and Iranian Azerbaijan domains, Tectonophysics, Volume 754, Pages 1-17, ISSN 0040-1951,

Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., Lu, C., Chen, C., & Konstantinovskaya, E. (n.d.),  2019. Deformation partitioning in mountain belts: Insights from analogue modelling experiments and the Taiwan collisional orogen. Geological Magazine, 1-20.

Henriquet, M., Dominguez, S., Barreca, G., Malavieille, J., Cadio, Cécilia, Monaco, Carmelo, 2019. Deep origin of the dome‐shaped Hyblean Plateau, southeastern Sicily: A new tectono‐magmatic model. Tectonics.  -> PDF

Charreau, J., Sartégou, A., Saint-Carlier, D., Lavé, J., Blard, P.-H., S. Dominguez et al., 2019. Late Miocene to Quaternary slip history across the Qiulitag anticline in the southern Tianshan piedmont. Terra Nova, Wiley-Blackwell, 2019, -> PDF

Mayolle, S., Soliva, R., Caniven, Y., Wibberley, C., Ballas, G., Milesi, G., Dominguez, S., 2019. Scaling of fault damage zones in carbonate rocks. Journal of Structural Geology. -> PDF


Stewart, N., Gaudemer, Y., Manighetti, I., Serreau, L., Vincendeau, A., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., 2018. “3D_Fault_Offsets,” a Matlab code to automatically measure lateral and vertical fault offsets in topographic data: Application to San Andreas, Owens Valley, and Hope faults. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 815– 835. -> PDF

Charreau, J., Saint-Carlier, D., Lavé, J., Dominguez, S., Blard, P.-H., Avouac, J.-P., Brown, N.-D., Malatesta, L.-C., Wang, S., Rhodes, E.-J., 2018. Late Pleistocene acceleration of deformation across the northern Tianshan piedmont (China) evidenced from the morpho-tectonic evolution of the Dushanzi anticline, Tectonophysics, Volume 730, Pages 132-140, ISSN 0040-1951,

Guerit, L., Goren, L., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., and Castelltort, S., 2018. Landscape ‘stress’ and reorganization from χ‐maps: Insights from experimental drainage networks in oblique collision setting. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 43: 3152– 3163. -> PDF

Viaplana‐Muzas, M, Babault, J, Dominguez, S, Van Den Driessche, J, Legrand, X., 2018. Modelling of drainage dynamics influence on sediment routing system in a fold‐and‐thrust belt, Basin Research; 31: 290– 310. -> PDF


Puchol, N., Charreau, J., Blard, P.-H., Lavé, J., Dominguez, S., Pik, R., Saint-Carlier, D., 2017. Limited impact of Quaternary glaciations on denudation rates in Central Asia, GSA Bulletin ; 129 (3-4): 479–499.

Gutscher, M.-A., Kopp, H., Krastel, S., Bohrmann, G., Garlan, T., Zaragosi, S., Klaucke, I., Wintersteller, P., Loubrieu, B., Le Faou, Y., San Pedro, L., Dominguez, S., Rovere, M., Mercier de Lepinay, B., Ranero, C., Sallares, V., 2017. Active tectonics of the Calabrian subduction revealed by new multi-beam bathymetric data and high-resolution seismic profiles in the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 461, 2017, Pages 61-72, ISSN 0012-821X, -> PDF

Rosenau, M., Corbi, F., and Dominguez, S., 2017. Analogue earthquakes and seismic cycles: experimental modelling across timescales, Solid Earth, 8, p597-635,  -> PDF

Charreau, J., Saint-Carlier, D., Dominguez, S., Lavé, J., Blard, P.-H., Avouac, J.-P., Jolivet, M., Chen, Y., Wang, S.-L., Brown, N.D., Malatesta, L.C., Rhodes, E., 2017. Denudation outpaced by crustal thickening in the eastern Tianshan, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 479, 2017, Pages 179-191, ISSN 0012-821X, -> PDF

Caniven, Y., Dominguez, S., Soliva, R., Peyret, M., Cattin, R., Maerten, F., 2017. Relationships between along-fault heterogeneous normal stress and fault slip patterns during the seismic cycle: Insights from a strike-slip fault laboratory model, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 480, Pages 147-157, ISSN 0012-821X,


Saint-Carlier, D., Charreau, J., Lavé, J., Blard, P.-H., Dominguez, S., Avouac, J.-P., Wang, S., 2016. Major temporal variations in shortening rate absorbed along a large active fold of the southeastern Tianshan piedmont (China), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 434, Pages 333-348, ISSN 0012-821X,

Guerit, L., S. Dominguez, J. Malavieille, S. Castelltort, 2016. Deformation of an experimental drainage network in oblique collision, Tectonophysics, Volume 693, Part B, Pages 210-222, ISSN 0040-1951, -> PDF

Malavieille, J., Molli, G., Genti, M., Dominguez, S., Beyssac, O., Taboada, A., Vitale-Brovarone, A., Lu, C.-Y., Chen, C.-T., 2016. Formation of ophiolite-bearing tectono-sedimentary mélanges in accretionary wedges by gravity driven submarine erosion: Insights from analogue models and case studies, Journal of Geodynamics, Volume 100, Pages 87-103, ISSN 0264-3707,

Dezileau, L., Lehu, R., Lallemand, S., Hsu, S.-K., Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Lin, A.T. and Dominguez, S., 2016. Historical Reconstruction of Submarine Earthquakes Using 210Pb, 137Cs, and 241Am Turbidite Chronology and Radiocarbon Reservoir Age Estimation off East Taiwan’, Radiocarbon, 58(1), pp. 25–36. https://doi: 10.1017/RDC.2015.3.

Gutscher, M.-A., Dominguez, S., Mercier de Lepinay, B., Pinheiro, L., Gallais, F., Babonneau, N., Cattaneo, A., Le Faou, Y., Barreca, G., Micallef, A., Rovere, M., 2016. Tectonic expression of an active slab tear from high-resolution seismic and bathymetric data offshore Sicily (Ionian Sea), Tectonics, 35, 39–54, https://doi:10.1002/2015TC003898.

Lallemand, S., Lehu, R., Rétif, F., Hsu, S.-K., Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Bassetti, M.-A., Dezileau, L., Hsieh, M.-L., Dominguez, S., 2016. A ∼3000 years-old sequence of extreme events revealed by marine and shore deposits east of Taiwan, Tectonophysics, Volume 692, Part B, Pages 325-341, ISSN 0040-1951,


Solaymani Azad S., H. Philip, S. Dominguez, K. Hessami, M. Shahpasandzadeh, M. Foroutan, H. Tabassi, M. Lamothe, 2015. Paleoseismological and morphological evidence of slip rate variations along the North Tabriz fault (NW Iran), Tectonophysics, Volumes 640–641, Pages 20-38, ISSN 0040-1951, -> PDF

Manighetti, I., C. Perrin, S. Dominguez, S. Garambois, Y. Gaudemer, J. Malavieille, L. Matteo, E. Delor, C. Vitard, and S. Beauprêtre, 2015. Recovering paleoearthquake slip record in a highly dynamic alluvial and tectonic region (Hope Fault, New Zealand) from airborne lidar, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 4484–4509. -> PDF

Graveleau, F., V. Strak, S. Dominguez, J. Malavieille, M. Chatton, I. Manighetti, C. Petit,  2015. Experimental modelling of tectonics–erosion–sedimentation interactions in compressional, extensional, and strike–slip settings, Geomorphology, Volume 244, Pages 146-168, ISSN 0169-555X,

Caniven, Y., Dominguez, S., Soliva, R., Cattin, R., Peyret, M., Marchandon, M., Romano, C. and Strak, V., 2015. A new multilayered visco-elasto-plastic experimental model to study strike-slip fault seismic cycle, Tectonics, 34: 232–264.

Viaplana-Muzas, M., J. Babault, S. Dominguez, J. Van Den Driessche, X. Legrand, 2015. Drainage network evolution and patterns of sedimentation in an experimental wedge, Tectonophysics, Volume 664, Pages 109-124, ISSN 0040-1951, -> PDF


Jolivet, M., L. Barrier, S. Dominguez, L. Guerit, G. Heilbronn, B. Fu, 2014. Unbalanced sediment budgets in the catchment–alluvial fan system of the Kuitun River (northern Tian Shan, China): Implications for mass-balance estimates, denudation and sedimentation rates in orogenic systems, Geomorphology, Volume 214, Pages 168-182, ISSN 0169-555X,


Beauprêtre, S., I. Manighetti, S. Garambois, J. Malavieille, and S. Dominguez, 2013, Stratigraphic architecture and fault offsets of alluvial terraces at Te Marua, Wellington fault, New Zealand, revealed by pseudo-3D GPR investigation, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 118, p.4564–4585,

Perrin C., L. Clemenzi, J. Malavieille, G. Molli, A. Taboada, and S. Dominguez, 2013. Impact of erosion and décollements on large scale faulting and folding in orogenic wedges: analogue models and case studies, Journal of the Geological Society, 170, 893-904, -> PDF


Graveleau F., Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., 2012. Experimental modelling of orogenic wedges: A review, Tectonophysics, 538-540: 1-66, -> PDF

Gutscher M.-A., S. Dominguez, G.K. Westbrook, P. Le Roy, F. Rosas, J.C. Duarte, P. Terrinha, J.M. Miranda, D. Graindorge, A. Gailler, V. Sallares, R. Bartolome, 2012. The Gibraltar subduction : A decade of new geophysical data, Tectonophysics, 574–575, p72-91, ISSN 0040-1951.

Bonnet S. and S. Dominguez, 2012. La modélisation expérimentale des reliefs, Géochronique, 124, Tectonique et érosion, 38-41. 


Peyret, M., Dominguez, S., Cattin, R., Champenois, J., Leroy, M. and Zajac, A., 2011. Present‐day interseismic surface deformation along the Longitudinal Valley, eastern Taiwan, from a PS‐InSAR analysis of the ERS satellite archives, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B03402, doi:10.1029/2010JB007898. -> PDF

Solaymani Azad, S., Dominguez, S., Philip, H., Hessami, K., Forutan, M.R., Shahpasan Zadeh, M., Ritz, J.−F., 2011. The Zandjan fault system : Morphological and tectonic evidences of a new active fault network in the NW of Iran, Tectonophysics, 506, 73−85, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.04.012

Strak, V., Dominguez, S., Petit, C., Meyer, B., Loget, N., 2011. Interaction between normal fault slip and erosion on relief evolution: Insights from experimental modelling, Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.10.005. -> PDF

Graveleau F., J.-E. Hurtrez, S. Dominguez, J. Malavieille, 2011. A new experimental material for modelling relief dynamics and interactions between tectonics and surface processes, Tectonophysics, Volume 513, Issues 1–4, 5 December 2011, Pages 68–87.doi10.1016/j.tecto.2011.09.029.


Scalabrino, B., Lagabrielle, Y., Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., Melnick, D., Espinoza, F., Suarez, M., Rossello, E., 2010. A morphotectonic analysis of Central Patagonian Cordillera. Negative inversion of the Andean belt over a buried spreading center?, Tectonics, vol.29, doi : 10.1029/2009TC002453. -> PDF

Jolivet, M., S. Dominguez, J. Charreau, Y. Chen, K.A. Farley, Y. Li, and Q. Wang, 2010. Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic history of the Central Chinese Tian Shan: Reactivated tectonic structures and active deformation, Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2010TC002712, Vol. 29, TC6019, doi:10.1029/2010TC002712. -> PDF


Gutscher, M.-A., Dominguez, S., Westbrook, G., Gente, P., Babonneau, N., Mulder, T., Gonthier E., Bartolome, R., Luis, J., Rosas, F., Terrinha, P., and the Delila and DelSis Scientific Teams, 2009. Tectonic shortening and gravitational spreading in the Gulf of Cadiz accretionary wedge: observations from multi-beam bathymetry and seismic profiling, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26, 6, 647-659, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2007.11.0

Gutscher, M.-A., Dominguez, S., Westbrook, G. K., Leroy, P., 2009. Deep structure, recent deformation and analog modeling of the Gulf of Cadiz accretionary wedge: implications for the 1755 Lisbon earthquake, Tectonophysics Sp. Vol., Proc. of the MAPG Meeting Marrakech Morocco, v. 475, p.85-97.

Charreau, J., Y. Chan, S. Gilder, L. Barrier, S. Dominguez, R. Augier, S. Sen, J.P. Avouac, A. Gallaud, F. Graveleau, and Q. Wang, 2009. Neogene uplift of the Tian Shan Mountains observed in the magnetic record of the Jingou River section (Northwest China), Tectonics, 28, TC2008, doi: 10.1029/2007TC002137.

Dominguez, S. and F. Graveleau, 2009. Modélisation expérimentale des couplages Tectonique-Erosion-Sédimentation dans les orogènes, Géochronique, 4p., Juin 2009.


Peyret, M., F. Rolandone, S. Dominguez, Y. Djamour, and B. Meyer, 2008. Source model for the Mw 6.1, 31 March 2006, Chalan-Chulan earthquake (Iran) from InSAR, Terra Nova, v. 20, p. 126-133,

Graveleau, F., and S. Dominguez, 2008. Analogue modelling of the interaction between tectonics, erosion and sedimentation in foreland thrust belts : Comptes Rendus Geoscience, v. 340, p. 324-333,

Schlagenhauf, A., I. Manighetti, J. Malavieille, and S. Dominguez, 2008. Incremental growth of normal faults : Insights from a laser-equipped analog experiment, Earth And Planetary Science Letters, v. 273, p. 299-311,

Charreau, J., J. P. Avouac, Y. Chen, S. Dominguez, and S. Gilder, 2008. Miocene to present kinematics of fault-bend folding across the Huerguosi anticline, northern Tianshan (China), derived from structural, seismic, and magnetostratigraphic data, Geology, v. 36, p. 871-874,


Bernard S., J.P. Avouac, S. Dominguez and M. Simoes, Kinematics of fault-related folding from sandbox experiments, 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, B12, B03S12,


Chang, K.-J., Taboada, A., Chan, Y.-C., Dominguez, S., 2006. Post-seismic surface processes in the Jiufengershan landslide area, 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake epicentral zone, Taiwan, Engineering Geology, vol. 86, issue 2-3, p. 102-117. IESAS1089. (SCI, IF: 0.951).

Charreau, J., S. Gilder, Y. Chen, S. Dominguez, J.P. Avouac, S. Sen, M. Jolivet, Y.A. Li, and M. Wang, 2006. Magnetostratigraphy of the Yaha section, Tarim Basin (China): 11 Ma acceleration in erosion and uplift of the Tianshan Mountains, Geology, 34, 181−184.


Charreau, J., Chen, Y., Gilder, S., Dominguez, S., Avouac, J.P., Sen, S., Sun, D., Li, Y. and W. M. Wang, 2005. Magnetostratigraphy and rock magnetism of the Neogene Kuitun He section (northwest China): implications for Late Cenozoic uplift of the Tianshan mountains, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 230, 177−192.

Armijo, R., N. Pondard, B . Meyer, G. Uçarkus, B. Mercier de Lépinay, J. Malavieille, S. Dominguez, M.A. Gutscher, S. Schmidt, C. Beck, Ö. Emre, K. Eris, L. Gasperini, E. Hacioglu, C. Imren, I. Lefèvre, S. Nahirci, B. Natalin, S. Özalaybey, C. Rangin, K. Sarikavak, L. Seeber, L. Tolun, 2005. Submarine fault scarps in the Sea of Marmara pull-apart (North Anatolian Fault): implications for seismic hazard in Istanbul, Submarine fault scarps in the Sea of Marmara pull-apart (North Anatolian Fault): Implications for seismic hazard in Istanbul,  Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 6, Q06009, 2004GC000896. -> PDF


Loevenbruck, A., Cattin, R., Lepichon, X., Dominguez, S., Michel, R., 2004. Co-seismic slip resolution and post-seismic relaxation time of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (Taiwan) as controled by geological observations, geodetic measurements (GPS, SPOT satellite images) ans seismicity data, Geophysical J. Int., 158, 310-326.


Dominguez S., Avouac, J.-P., Michel, R., 2003. Horizontal co-seismic deformation of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake measured from SPOT satellite images : implications for the seismic cycle along the western foothills of Central Taiwan, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 108, No. B2., p2083.


Malavieille J., Lallemand S.E., Dominguez, S., Deschamps A., Lu C.-Y., Liu C.-S., Schnürle P. & the act scientific crew., 2002. Arc-continent collision in Taiwan : New marine observations and tectonic evolution, Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. paper, 358, p. 187-211. -> PDF


Dominguez S., Malavieille J. & Lallemand S.E., 2000. Deformation of margins in response to seamount subduction - insights from sandbox experiments, Tectonics, 19, n°1, 182-196. -> PDF

Guiraud R., Doumnang-mbaigane J.C., Carretier S., & Dominguez S., 2000. Evidence for a 6000 km lenght NW-SE striking lineament in northern Africa : the Tibesti Lineament , Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 157, 897-900.


Lallemand S., Liu C.-S., Dominguez S., Schnürle P., Malavieille J., & the act scientific crew, 1999. Trench-parallel stretching and folding of forearc basins and lateral migration of the accretionary wedge in the southern Ryukyus: a case of strain partition caused by oblique convergence, Tectonics , 18, 2, 231-247.

Deschamps A., Lallemand S. & Dominguez S., 1999. The last spreading episode of the West Philippine Basin revisited, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 14.


Dominguez S., Lallemand S.E., Malavieille J. & Schnürle P., 1998. Oblique subduction of the Gagua Ridge beneath the Ryukyu accretionary wedge system: Insights from marine observations and sandbox experiments, Marine Geophysical Researches, 20, 5, 383-402. -> PDF

Deplus C., Diament M., Hebert H., Bertrand G., Dominguez S., Dubois J., Malod J., Patriat P., Pontoise B. & Sibilla J. J., 1998. Direct evidence of active deformation in the eastern Indian oceanic plate, Geology, 26, 2: 131-134. -> PDF

Dominguez S., Lallemand S.E., Malavieille J. and Von Huene R., 1998. Upper plate deformation associated with seamount subduction, Tectonophysics, 293, 207-224.


Von Huene R., Corvalan J., Flueh E. R., Hinz K., Korstgard J., Ranero C. R., Weinrebe W. & Dominguez S., 1997. Tectonic control of the subducting Juan Fernandez ridge on the Andean margin near Valparaiso, Chile, Tectonics, 16, 3: 474-488. -> PDF


Dominguez S., Lallemand S.E., Malavieille J., et Pouclet A., 1995. Nouvelle interprétation structurale du mont sous-marin Daiichi Kashima et essai de reconstitution géodynamique. C. R., Acad., Sci., Paris., v. 320, IIa, p. 403-409 -> PDF

CONFERENCES (1994-2020) and INVITED TALKS (2012-2020)

Recent invited Talks:

Dominguez, S., 2018. The MODEXSIS and SUBQUAKEX Projects: Experimental modeling of strike-slip and mega thrust faults, IPGP, France.

Dominguez, S., 2018. A New analog modeling approach to study onshore and offshore tectonic / Erosion / Sedimentation Interactions. TOTAL, SGG, Pau.

Dominguez, S., 2015. The foam quakes strike back: Insights into the seismic cycle and earthquake dynamics from experimental modeling, ETH Zurich, Suisse.

Dominguez, S., 2014. Seismic cycle and earthquake dynamics: Insights from experimental modeling, ISTerre, Grenoble, France

Dominguez, S., 2014. Joint analog modeling of marine and terrestrial geological processes: state of the art and new developments, Keynote talk, GEOMOD 2014, Potsdam, Allemagne.

Dominguez, S., 2013. Cinématique et mécanique des tremblements de terre : Modélisation expérimentale du cycle sismique, CEA/DAM/DIF/DASE-LRSG, Laboratoire Etudes Géophysiques et Aléas, Bruyères-le-Châtel, 91297 Arpajon, France

Dominguez, S., 2012. New developments in analog modeling : landscape evolution of an orogen, submarine gravitational instabilities, earthquake cycle, 2012. Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, P. O. Box 23-13, Taipei, Taiwan.

Conference communications:


Mayolle, S., Soliva, R., Dominguez, S., Caniven, Y., Wibberley, C., Ballas, G., 2020. Fault Damage Scaling: Insights from field data in carbonate rocks and analogue modelling. European General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. 



Gutscher, M.-A., Dellong, D., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., Graindorge, D., and Klingelhoefer, F., 2018. Strike-slip deformation related to the slab tear of the Calabrian subduction: using analog modeling to test the kinematic boundary conditions of geodynamic models, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-3435, 2018, EGU General Assembly 2018.

Charreau, J., Lavé, J., Blard, J.-H., and Dominguez, S., 2018. Denudation outpaced by crustal thickening during mountain building: example from the eastern Tianshan in central Asia, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-17521, 2018. EGU General Assembly 2018.

Caniven, Yannick & Dominguez, Stephane & Malavieille, J & Mazzotti, Stephane & Peyret, Michel & Corbi, Fabio & van Rijsingen, Elenora. 2018. Potentialities and Applications to Natural Earthquakes of 2D and 3D Subduction Foam Quake Analogue Models. GEOMOD 2018, Barcelona, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.32532.14727. 


Guerit, L., Goren, L., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., Castelltort, S., 2017. Deformation and evolution of an experimental drainage network subjected to oblique deformation: Insight from chi-maps, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 19, 5498.



Guerit, L., Dominguez, S., Castelltort, S., Malavielle, J., 2015. The resilience of river valleys to deformation in experiments: competition between tectonic advection and channel dynamics. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17

Guerit, L., Dominguez, S., Malavielle, J., Castelltort, S., 2015. Experimental model of a doubly-vergent wedge under erosion in oblique collision: wedge dynamics and development of the drainage network. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17.

Dominguez S., J. Malavieille, S. Mazzotti, N. Martin, Y. Caniven, R. Cattin, R. Soliva, M. Peyret, S. Lallemand. 2015, Modeling subduction megathrust earthquakes : Insights from a visco-elasto-plastic analog model. EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria.


Guerit, L., Dominguez, S., S Castelltort, C Romano, M Henriquet, 2014. Laboratory Models of River Pattern Evolution over a Deforming Template-Application to the Southern Alps, New Zealand. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts

Saint-Carlier, D., A. Sartégou, J. Charreau, J. Lave, P.-H. Blard, S. Dominguez et al., 2014. Miocene to Holocene deformation rates in the southern Tianshan piedmont, China, EGU General Assembly, Apr 2014, Vienna, Austria. pp.12274


Caniven, Y., Dominguez, S., Soliva, R., Cattin, R., Peyret, P., Chéry, J., Romano, C., 2013. Dynamics of a strike-slip fault analog model : Effects of the tectonic loading rate, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, T51C-2478.

Caniven, Dominguez, Soliva, Cattin, Peyret, Chéry, Romano, 2013. Strike-slip fault kinematics at the seismic cycle time-scale : Results from new analogue model experiments, EGU2013.

Saint-Carlier D., J. Charreau, J. Lavé, P.-H. Blard, S. Dominguez, J.-P. Avouac, L. Malatesta and W. Shengli, 2013. Miocene to Holocene tectonic evolution of the Dushanzi anticline (northern Tianshan): a structural and geomorphologic perspective, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, T31D-2550

Gutscher, M.-A., N. Babonneau, A. Cattaneo, F. Gallais, D. Graindorge, L. San Pedro, S. Dominguez, B. Mercier de Lepinay and the CIRCEE Shipboard Party, 2013. The CIRCEE survey in the Calabrian arc and investigating active faults, recent deformation, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, T43D-2694


Beaupretre S., Manighetti I., Garambois S., Malavieille J., Chatton M., Dominguez S., Revisiting the use of offset surface features to recover fault slip histories : insights from pseudo-3D GPR imaging of offset alluvial terraces at Te Marua, Wellington fault, New Zealand, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, USA, 1480178.

Chatton M., Malavieille J., Dominguez S., Manighetti I., Romano C., Beauprêtre S., Garambois S., and Larroque C., 2012. Interaction between slip events, erosion and sedimentation along an active strike-slip fault : Insights from analog models, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly.



Dominguez, S., F. Graveleau, V. Strak, 2010. Modelling experimentally the interactions between crustal deformation, erosion and sedimentation in active tectonic contexts, Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract T53C-04.

Scalabrino, B., Yves Lagabrielle, Jacques Malavieille, Stephane Dominguez, D. Melnick et al., 2010. A morphotectonic analysis of central Patagonian Cordillera: Negative inversion of the Andean belt over a buried spreading center ? Tectonics, American Geophysical Union (AGU2010), 29, pp.TC2010. ⟨10.1029/2009TC002453⟩ 

Malavieille J, S Dominguez, C Lu, K Chang, 2010. Tectonics of Taiwan, Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract T53C-01.

Graveleau F, J Suppe, M Ustaszewski, K Chang, S Dominguez, M Huang, 2010. Incremental fold growth during Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake : examples from the Tungshih anticline and Neiwan syncline, Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract T23A-084.


Dominguez, S., P. Strzerzynski, J. Déverchère, A. Boudiaf, and K. Yelles, 2009. Morphologic and structural evolution of the Algerian Margin since Messinian (-6 Myr); First results of a new experimental approach, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-10646, 2009 EGU General Assembly.

Graveleau, F., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., 2009. A new analogue modelling approach for studying interactions between Tectonics, Erosion and Sedimentation in mountain belt piedmont, Annual Congress of Chinese Geophysical Society and Geological Society of Taiwan, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.


Gutscher M.A., Dominguez S., Leroy P., Mulder T., Luis J., Rosas F., Terrinha P., 2008. Active tectonics of the Gulf of Cadiz accretionary wedge: multibeam bathymetry and analog modeling. EGU, Vienne, 13-18 avril 2008.

Graveleau, F., Dominguez, S., Hurtrez, J.E., Malavieille, J., 2008. Interactions between mountain piedmont deformation, fluvial terraces formation and alluvial fans evolution : Analogue modeling and comparison with north-east Tian-Shan (Xinjiang, China), EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria).

Quilichini, A., Lallemand, S., Funiciello, F., Dominguez, S., and Heuret, A., 2008. Strain and circulation in the mantle wedge in response to slab migration : new insights from analog modeling, Cordilleran Section (104th Annual) and Rocky Mountain Section (60th Annual) Joint Meeting (19–21 March 2008), Abstract 10-7.

Graveleau, S., S. Dominguez, and J. Malavieille, 2008. A new analogue modelling approach for studyying interactions between surface processes an deformation in active montain belt piemonts : Bolletino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, v. 49, 2 suppl. GeoMoD 2008 Third International Geomodelling Conference, p. 501-505.

Malavieille, J., C. Y. Lu, K. J. Chang, E. Kostantinovskaya, C. Bonnet, J. Mosar, S. Dominguez, F. Graveleau, 2008. Impact of surface processes on the dynamics of orogenic wedges : analogue models and case studies : Bolletino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, v.49, 2 Supl. GeoMod 2008, International Geomodelling Conference, p. 238-242.


Graveleau, F., Dominguez, S., Hurtrez, J.E., Malavieille, J., Tectonics – Erosion − Sedimentation interactions in active mountain belt forelands : comparisons between experimental modeling and north−east Tian−Shan piedmont (Xinjiang, China), EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Avril, 2007.

Graveleau, F., Hurtrez, J.E, Dominguez, S., Erosion and strain scaling tests for the characterization of water−saturated granular materials used in analogue mountain building experiments, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Avril, 2007

Raynal, O., Graveleau, F., Séranne, M., Dominguez, S., Bouchette, F. Hurtrez, J.E., Analogue modelling of erosion−transport−deposition processes (coastal catchments to shoreface) in response to high−frequency sea−level and precipitation changes, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Avril, 2007.

Gutscher, M.-A.; Dominguez, S.; Westbrook, G.; Gente, P.; Babonneau, N.; Mulder, T.; Gonthier, E.; Bartolome, R.; Luis, J.; Rosas, F., 2007. The Gulf of Cadiz accretionary prism: the active offshore link between the Rif and Betic mountain belts. MAPG Meeting, Marrakech (28-31 Oct.)

Gutscher, M.-A.; Dominguez, S.; Westbrook, G.; Gente, P.; Babonneau, N.; Mulder, T.; Gonthier, E.; Bartolome, R.; Luis, J.; Rosas, F., 2007. Tectonic shortening and gravitational spreading in the Gulf of Cadiz accretionary wedge: results from bathymetric swathmapping and seismic surveys. Geophysical Research Abstract, Vol. 9, 07304.

Schlagenhauf A., I. Manighetti, J. Malavieille, and S. Dominguez. Incremental growth of normal faults: insights from a laser−equipped analog experiment. , Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 05030, 2007.


Gutscher M.A., Dominguez S., Fernandes R.M., Miranda J.M. Seafloor deformation in the Gulf of Cadiz ans GPS data indicate active WSW motion of the Gilbraltar arc, EGU, Vienne : Autriche, 2006.

Raynal, O., Graveleau, F., Séranne, M., Dominguez, S., Bouchette, F. Hurtrez, J.E., Analogue modelling of erosion-transport-deposition processes (coastal catchments to shoreface) in response to high-frequency sea-level changes, SEALAIX Symposium, Giens, France, Septembre, 2006.

Graveleau, F., Raynal, O., Séranne, M., Dominguez, S., Bouchette, F. Hurtrez, J.E., Analogue modelling of erosion-transport-deposition processes (coastal catchments to shoreface) in response to high-frequency sea-level changes, SEALAIX Symposium, Giens (France), 2006 (poster).

Gutscher, M-A., Dominguez, S, Gente, P, Babonneau, N, Mulder, T, Gonthier, E, Bartolome, R, Luis, J, Rosas, F. (2006) - Upslope spreading and tectonic shortening in the Gulf of Cadiz accretionary wedge: observations from multi-beam bathymetry and seismic profiling, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T32C-06.

Gutscher, M.−A., Dominguez, S., Miranda, J.M., and Fernandes, R., Seafloor deformation in the Gulf of Cadiz and GPS data indicate active WSW motion of the Gibraltar arc. Proc. EGU Meeting, Vienna, Apr. 2006, Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 8., 2006.


Graveleau, F., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., A new Approach for Quantitative analogue modeling of Tectonics/erosion/sedimentation interactions in Mountain belts, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Avril, 2005.

Charreau, J., Jean-Philippe Avouac, Stéphane Dominguez, Yan Chen, Stuart Gilder, 2005. Sedimentary Record of Erosion and Deformation Rated in the Northern Tianshan as Constrained From Magnetostratigraphic Sections in the Junggar Basin, Western China, American Geophysical Union, 2005, San Francisco, United States.

Chen Y., J. Charreau, S. Gilder, S. Dominguez, J.-P. Avouac, 2005. Late Cenozoic Building History of the Chinese Tianshan Seen From The Rock Magentic Record, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, United States


Charreau J., Y Chen, S Gilder, S Dominguez, J Avouac, S Sen, Y Li., 2004. Magnetostratigraphy and Rock Magnetism of the Neogene Yaha Section (Northwest China) and Possible Late Cenozoic Uplift of the Tianshan by 11 Ma. Eos trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet.

Peyret, M.; Dominguez, S.; Djamour, Y.; Avallone, A.; Briole, P. F.; Tavakoli, F.; Chery, J.; Nankali, H.; Doerflinger, E., 2004. Coseismic surface displacement induced by the Bam earthquake, Iran (26/12/2003, M+6.6): Insights from satellite imagery (InSAR, correlation of Spot images) and levelling, EGU04-A-07841, EGU - 1st General Assembly, Nice, France, 25 - 30 April 2004.

Bonnet, C., Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., Philip, H.. 2004. Morphology and structure of active thrust fault surface ruptures : Analogue modeling. Bolletino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, Vol. 45, N. 1 supplement, p. 17-21. GeoMod 2004 International Conference. From Mountains to Sedimentary Basins : Modelling and Testing Geological Processes. Guest Editors : G. Bertotti, S. Buiter, P. Ruffo and G. Schreurs. 9- 11 june 2004, Emmetten – Lake Lucerne, Switzerland.

Avouac J.-P., S Dominguez, J Charreau, Y Chen, S Gilder, B Poisson, 2004. Measuring fold growth and crustal shortening: a case study from northern Tien Shan, Eos trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meeting, San Francisco, United States.

Bonnet, C., Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., Philip, H.. 2004. Morphology and structure of active thrust fault surface ruptures : Analogue modeling. Bolletino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, Vol. 45, N. 1 supplement, p. 17-21. GeoMod 2004 International Conference. From Mountains to Sedimentary Basins : Modelling and Testing Geological Processes. Guest Editors : G. Bertotti, S. Buiter, P. Ruffo and G. Schreurs. 9- 11 june 2004, Emmetten – Lake Lucerne, Switzerland.

Bernard S., J Avouac, S Dominguez. Investigating Kinematics Of Folding From Sandbox Experiments, 2004. Eos trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet.


Dominguez S., J. Malavieille and J. P. Avouac, 2003. Fluvial Terraces Deformation Induced by Thrust Faulting : an Experimental Approach to Better Estimate Crustal Shortening Velocities, European Geophysical Society 2003, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, p.11321.

Pondard, N and the MARMARASCARPS cruise party (R. Armijo, C. Beck, N. Çagatay, Z. Cakir, S. Dominguez, Ö. Emre, K. Eris, L. Gasperini, M.A. Gutscher, E. Hacioglu, C. Imren, I. Lefevre, J. Malavieille, B. Mercier DE Lepinay, B. Meyer, S. Nahirci, B. Natalin, S. Özalaybey, C. Rangin, K. Sarikavak, S. Schmidt, L. Seeber, L. Tolun, G. Ücarcus). 2003. A survey of the sea of Marmara fault system with a Remote Operated Vehicle: Preliminary results of the MARMARASCARPS Cruise. EGS/AGU General Assembly, Nice, France.



Dominguez S., Michel, R., Avouac, J.P., Malavieille, J., 2001. Kinematics of thrust fault propagation, Insight from video processing techniques applied to experimental modeling, EGS XXVI, Nice, March 2001.

Dominguez S., Avouac, J.P., Poisson, B., Chen, Y., Gilder, S., 2001. Estimating the amount and distribution of crustal shortening accomodated across Chinese Tien-Shan, HKTW 16th, Graz, Autriche, avril 2001.

Dominguez S., Michel, R., Avouac, J.P., 2001. Horizontal surface displacements induced by the Chi-Chi earthquake, 1999 (Central Taiwan) Insight from SPOT images analyses (Extended abstract, EUG 11, Strasbourg, April 2001).


Avouac, J.P., Poupinet B. Poisson and S. Dominguez, 2000. Shortening of the crust and lithosphere across the Chinese Tien Shan, HKTW 15th, Bishkek, Kyrgystan, June 7-15,

XXXXX Dominguez, S., R. Michel, A. Thonnel, J.−C. Lee, K.−J. Chang, R. Binet, Kinematics of the northern termination of the 1999 – Mw=7.6 Chi−Chi earthquake rupture (Taiwan) derived from satellite and aerial images correlation, GEEA conference, 24−29 November, Taitung (Taiwan), 2005.


Dominguez S., Malavieille J. and Lallemand S., 1999. Cinématique des failles actives au front des marges convergentes : apports des modèles expérimentaux ; abstract in "Marges Océaniques et Magmatisme Associé", Réunion spécialisée de la SGF, Villefranche/Mer, 15-17 Novembre 1999, p. 38

Dominguez S., Lallemand S. & Malavieille J., 1999. Material transfer within active margins associated with seamount subduction : Insights from sandbox experiments ; abstract in Terra Abstracts, 4, 1, EUG 10, Strasbourg, March 28th-April 1st, 607.

Dominguez S., Lallemand S., Malavieille J. & Schnürle P., 1999. Oblique subduction of the Gagua Ridge beneath the Ryukyu accretionary wedge system: Insights from marine observations and sandbox experiments: abstract, Thrust Tectonics Meeting, 26-29 April 1999, Royal Holloway Univ. of London, England.

Dominguez S., Malavieille, J. & Lallemand, S., 1999. Deformation of margins in response to seamount subduction : Insights from sandbox experiments: abstract, Thrust Tectonics Meeting, 26-29 April, Royal Holloway Univ. of London, England.

Lallemand S., Chemenda A. & Dominguez S., 1999. Strain Partitioning and Interplate Friction in Oblique Subduction Zones : Constraints Provided by Analog Modeling ; abstract in Geological Society of America Penrose Conference "Subduction to strike-slip transitions on plate boundaries", Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, January 18-24.

Lallemand S., Liu C.-S., Dominguez S., Schnürle P. & Malavieille J., 1999. Trench-parallel stretching and folding of forearc basins and lateral migration of the accretionary wedge in the southern Ryukyus: a case of strain partition caused by oblique convergence; abstract in Geological Society of America Penrose Conference "Subduction to strike-slip transitions on plate boundaries", Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, January 18-24.

Malavieille J., Lallemand S., Deschamps A., Dominguez S., Lu C.-Y. & Liu C.-S., 1999. Active arc-continent collision in Taiwan ; abstract in Terra Abstracts, 4, 1, EUG 10, Strasbourg, March 28t, April 1st, 394.

Malavieille J., Lallemand S., Dominguez S., Deschamps A., Lu C-Y., Liu C-S. & Schnürle P., 1999. Arc-Continent Collision in Taiwan : Marine Observations and Geodynamic Model: abstract, Thrust Tectonics Meeting, 26-29 April 1999, Royal Holloway Univ. of London, England.


Dominguez S., Lallemand S.E. & Malavieille J., 1998. Subduction de la ride de Gagua et déformation de la marge de l'arc des Ryukyu, 17ème RST, Brest, p.105.

Lallemand S.E., Dominguez S., & Malavieille J., 1998. Partition du mouvement et déformation dans l'arc des Ryukyus, 17ème RST, Brest, p. 139.

Malavieille J., Lallemand S.E., Deschamps A., Dominguez S., Lu C.Y., Liu C.S., & ACT Scientific Crew, 1998. Geology of the Arc-Continent collision in Taiwan: Marine observations and geodynamic models; abstract in AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 6-10 1998; suppl. to EOS, transactions, AGU vol. 79, 45, nov.10, p. 189


Dominguez S., Lallemand S.E., Malavieille J. and the ACT Scientific Crew, 1997. The Gagua Ridge Subduction and its interaction with the Southern Ryukyu Arc-Trench System (Taiwan), EUG 9, Strasbourg, 23-27 March, Terra Nova, vol. 9, p. 347.

Lallemand S.E., Dominguez S., Deschamps A., Malavieille J. & Liu C.S., 1997. The southwestern termination of the Ryukyu subduction zone near Taiwan arc-continent collision zone: result from ACT cruise. TEA (Tectonics of East Asia), Chung-Li, Taïwan, 3-5 nov.

Lallemand S.E., Dominguez S., Malavieille J., Liu C.S. and the ACT Scientific Crew, 1997. The Southern Ryukyu Arc-Trench System and its transition with the Taiwan arc-continent collision zone, EUG 9, Strasbourg, 23-27 March, Terra Nova, vol. 9, p. 340.

Malavieille J., Lallemand S.E. & the ACT Scientific Crew, ANGELIER J., COLLOT J.-Y., Fournier M., Dominguez S., Le Formal J.P., Liu S.-Y., Lu C.-Y., Schnurle P., Thareau N., Wang F., 1997. Arc-Continent Collision southeast of Taiwan: Preliminary results of the ACT Cruise, EUG 9, Strasbourg, 23-27 March, Terra Nova, vol. 9, p. 339


Dominguez S., Lallemand S. & Malavieille J., 1996. Effets de la subduction de reliefs océaniques sur la déformation des marges actives: approche expérimentale. 16° RST 96, Orléans, April 10-12, p: 23. 

Dominguez S., Lallemand S.E., Malavieille J. and the ACT Scientific Crew, 1996. The Gagua Ridge Subduction and its interaction with the Southern Ryukyu Arc-Trench System (Taiwan), AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 1996.

Dominguez S., Lallemand S. E., Liu C.-S., & The ACT scientific crew, 1996. The southern Ryukyu arc-trench system and the Gagua Ridge subduction: Preliminary results of the ACT cruise. abstract in: AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 15-19 1996, San Francisco, EOS, Transactions, AGU, 77, 46, 731, 1996.


Dominguez S., Lallemand S.E. & Malavieille J., 1995. Physical Sandbox modelling of seamount Subduction, effects on the tectonic of accretionary wedges : 1995 EUG 8, Terra Abstracts, v. 7, p. 285.

Dominguez S., Malavieille J. & Lallemand S., 1995. Effects of basement topography on thrust wedge development: Insights from physical modelling, Nice, oct. 8-11, Abstract AAPG International Conference.


Dominguez S., Lallemand S.E. and Malavieille J., 1994. New results from sandbox modeling of seamount subduction and possible applications; abstract, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 5-9, EOS, 671.


Dominguez, S. & Malavieille, J., 1999, Analogue modeling of Thrust Wedges. Scientific report : 0199, JAPEX Petroleum Company, Japon, 35pp.

Documentaire : "Terre en Mouvements pour la prévention en zone 3 (région Antilles)", G2com productions, 2000.

Himalaya-Tibet, le choc des continents, ouvrage collectif, Museum d’histoire naturelle, CNRS Editions, 191p., 2002.

Géomanips, CNRS, 2009 -, 

Journal du CNRS n°227, Décembre 2008 -

CNRS International magazine n°16, Janvier 2010 -

Participations dans plusieurs ouvrages : La subduction océanique (S. Lallemand, Broché, 2001), Séismes et risques sismiques. Approche sismotectonique (Hervé Philip, Jean-Claude Bousquet, Frédéric Masson, Dunod, coll. Sciences Sup, 2007, 340 p.), Elements de Géologie (Pomerol, Lagabrielle, Renard, Dunod, 13iéme (2005) et 14 ième (2011) éditions). 

Dominguez, S. et R. Soliva, 2010. Quoi de neuf au Pic St Loup ?, Symposium à la mémoire de M. Mattauer, Quoi de neuf en tectonique ?, 9-10 Décembre, Montpellier.

Chatton, M., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., Manighetti, I., Garambois, S., Beauprêtre, S., Romano, C., 2010. Etude de l'évolution des marqueurs morphologiques, structuraux et sédimentaires associés aux grands décrochements actifs de Nouvelle Zélande : Analyse morphostructurale, modélisation expérimentale et apports pour la paléosismologie. Symposium à la mémoire de M. Mattauer, Quoi de neuf en tectonique ?, 9-10 Décembre, Montpellier.

Malavieille, J.,  Lu, C-Y., Chang, K-J., Dominguez, S., Lallemand, S., et Konstantinovskaia, E., 2010. Tectonique de Taiwan, Symposium à la mémoire de M. Mattauer, Quoi de neuf en tectonique ?, 9-10 Décembre, Montpellier.

Strzerzynski, P., S. Dominguez, A. Boudiaf, J. Déverchère, Morphologic and structural evolution of the Algerian margin since Messinian (-6 Myr); first results of a new experimental approach, Geomag meeting, 2010.

Caniven Y., Dominguez S., Soliva R., Cattin R., Peyret M., Romano C., 2012. Fault kinematics and mechanics at the seismic cycle time-scale from experimental approach, WEGENER 2012.

Boudiaf, A., Dominguez, S., Strzerzynski, P., and Déverchère, J., 2013. Plio-Quaternary morphologic and structural evolution of the algerian margin: insights from analog modeling, International Symposium on "The large Mediterranean earthquakes: From past to present - Commemoration of the Boumerdes earthquake of 21 May 2003 (Mw 6.8), 10 years after", C.R.A.A.G. and Direction Générale de la Protection Civile, Algiers, Algeria, 21-23 May 2013.

Viaplana M., Babault J., Van Den Driessche J., Dominguez S., 2013. Modélisation analogique de la dynamique du réseau de drainage sur un prisme d'accrétion, 14 ème congrès français de sédimentologie, Paris, 4-8 novembre 2013.

Guerit, L, Dominguez, S., Castelltort, S., Romano, C., Henriquet, M., 2014. Evolution of a drainage network in collisional context-Insights from experimental modeling of the Southern Alps, New Zealand, 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Friburg, Switzerland.

Barrier L., L. Guerit, M. Jolivet, S. Dominguez, F. Métivier, B. Fu, 2015. Sediment budgets in catchment-alluvial fan systems of the northern Tian Shan (China): Implications for mass-balance estimates, denudation and sedimentation rates in orogenic systems, ASF2015.

Guerit L., S. Dominguez, S. Castelltort, J. Malavieille, 2015. Deformation of an experimental drainage network in oblique collision, SGM (Bale, Switzerland).

Viaplana-Muzas, M., J. Babault, S. Dominguez, J. van den Driessche, X., 2016. Legrand. Transverse- to longitudinal-dominated drainage network reorganization process: from nature to experimental modelling, GeoMod Conference, Oct 2016, Montpellier, France. Proceedings GeoMod 2016, pp.114-115, 2016 

Viaplana-Muzas M., J. Babault, S. Dominguez, J. van den Driessche, X. Legrand, 2016. Evolution of drainage and patterns of sedimentation in an experimental wedge, GeoMod Conference, Oct 2016, Montpellier, France. pp.106-107 

Corbi, Funiciello, Brizzi, Van Rijsingen, Lallemand, Dominguez, Cattin, 2016. Control of barrier width on asperities synchronization and genesis of great subduction megathrust earthquakes : insights from 3D analog models, GeoMod Montpellier.

Caniven, Dominguez, Soliva, Cattin, Peyret, Romano, 2016. A new multilayered visco-elasto-plastic experimental model to study strike-slip fault seismic cycle, GeoMod Montpellier.

Dominguez, Mazzotti, Cattin, Peyret, Lallemand, Malavieille, Soliva, Romano, 2016. A visco-elastic model to study experimentally megathrust seismic cycle in subduction tectonic settings, GeoMod Montpellier.

Guerit, L., L. Goren, S. Dominguez, J. Malavieille, S. Castelltort, 2016. Landscape stress and reorganization of an experimental drainage network inferred from chi-maps, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Caen.

Guerit, L., S. Dominguez, J. Malavieille, S. Castelltort, 2016. Experimental drainage basins as markers of large-scale horizontal deformation - Geomod (Montpellier, France)

Barrier, L., L. Guerit, M. Jolivet, S. Dominguez, F. Métivier, B. Fu, 2016. Sediment budgets in catchment-alluvial fan systems of the northern Tian Shan (China): implications for mass-balance estimates, denudation and sedimentation rates in orogenic systems, Source to Sink: a long term perspective of sediment budgets and sources characterization, Géosciences-Rennes, Nov 2016, Rennes, France. pp.37

Gutscher, M.-A., David Dellong, Stéphane Dominguez, Jacques Malavieille, David Graindorge et al., 2019. Strike-Slip Faulting in the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge: Using Analog Modeling to Test the Kinematic Boundary Conditions of Geodynamic Models, Transform Plate Boundaries and Fracture Zones, Elsevier, pp.321-337, ⟨10.1016/B978-0-12-812064-4.00013-X⟩

Mayolle, S., Soliva, R., Caniven, Y., Ballas, G., Wibberley, C., Dominguez, S., Milési, G., 2019.  Damage scaling and fault segmentation in carbonate rocks. Tectonic Studies Group, Bergen, Norway.

Mayolle, S., Soliva, R., Caniven, Y., Wibberley, C., Ballas, G., Dominguez, S., Milési, G., 2019. Scaling of Fault Damage Zones and Implications for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. Presented at the Fifth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals, Palermo, Italy. 


ORCID : 0000-0001-8218-7144

SCOPUS : 7005494646