STEM Role Model Classroom Visits

Section 2

STEM Careers of Women and Men Role Models Unit

Section 2 of the STEM Careers of Women and Men Role Models Unit incorporates 

STEM role model classroom visits

These 3 or 4 role models should represent different areas of STEM, for example a mathematics graduate student, a museum curator, an architect, or a computer science professor.  The role model visits can take place over a one week “Role Model Visit Week”, after teaching all classroom lessons, or can be spread out with the role model visiting after their corresponding STEM module.

The objective of these STEM role model classroom visits is to provide students with tangible, real-world experiences with STEM role models, helping them envision themselves in the STEM fields.

Dialogue template to help facilitate conversation once the role model has agreed to visit the classroom.  It briefly explains the importance of role model classroom visits, and provides four strategies to use in their presentation.  Role model visits should last around 45 minutes and include a small hands-on activity.

List of activities for students centered around the STEM role model visits.  Before activities include introducing the idea that a role model is coming to visit the classroom and a question brainstorm pair activity.  After activities include students writing thank you notes and a large review discussion after all STEM role model visits.  These activities should occur for each role model visit.

Extensions of Section 2: STEM Role Model Classroom Visits

Recurring STEM Role Model Visits

One STEM role model could make multiple visits to the classroom throughout the year to help build a strong bond and connection with students. These visits could be a mixture of classroom visits and online video chats. These multiple visits with a role model would foster long term positive effects on students' relationships with STEM.

Field Trip to STEM Role Models Workplace

A field trip could be planned to visit the workplace of one of the STEM role models after the classroom visit.  This field trip would provide students with more hands-on, real world interaction allowing them to see a real STEM workplace.  Workplaces of STEM role models such as museums, factories, or colleges would be great places for a field trip.