
Student Teacher?

Nowadays there is a concern among parents, students, and instructors that whether it is proper for the undergraduates to teach another group of pupils or not. Although there are those who believe that instruction would take a large time from the said undergraduates so that they cannot complete their own lessons at the same time, in my way of thinking, teaching brings a perfect situation to students not only to become dominant in their own studies, but also to bring the newest technology they learned to education systems. Furthermore, they can get paid and become financially independent.

The first reason to point out is that, when a person shares her knowledge with others, the information depending on that subject gets reviewed in her mind. Reviewing and trying to make a group of people understand something, will help a person learn that lesson much deeper

than before, so that she can claim she is dominant in it. To clarify, Einstein says, "If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself." As a result, it would be a suggestion for any individual to try to teach whatever she learns, to little children, so that she can see if she has learned in an excellent way or not.

The second reason, which deserves some words here is that there is a problem the education systems has always been facing. This problem is that old teaching information gets useless as time passes. Therefore, instructors should always search for new technologies in their field, and it would take a long time from them to gather all this information and pass it to the educational system. Attendance of a young teacher who is still a student, among older teachers can provide them with an opportunity to learn more about new data that are getting developed in their field with no other requirement to spend a lot of time searching.

Apart from the previously discussed issues, teaching gives students a golden chance to be part of the academic society and at the same time, earn money. As these days families are encouraging their young children to have part-time jobs and pay some of their own expenses, children can choose to be a teacher instead of working in a supermarket or a gas station. In that case, their communication skills will also improve.