Amirkabir University

Parsian Robotics Group

Research Assistant, Electronics Team Leader


Research Assistant, Financial Manager

Thesis Project

• Research on multirotor aerial vehicles and use of a wing in them

• Building a minuscule wing made up of Balsa wood

• Calculating the maximum velocity of a quadcopter

• Test the functionality of BeagleBone Black to use for video processing.

• Video processing with a camera connected to a raspberry pi in python and C++ using OpenCV and ARUCO markers.

• Design separate PID controller for each of quadcopter's degree of freedom.

• Connecting C++ code to Matlab and control the UAV on Matlab, Simulink.



Computational Intelligence Lab.

Teacher Assistant, Research Assistant, and Lab. Instructor

• Help to implement Fuzzy systems and Neural Networks in Matlab including modeling and control of a system, classification, regression and clustering, multilayered perceptron trained with back-propagation, and machine learning.

• Adjust the lesson plan for the Computational Intelligence Lab. course.

• Design control board of the UGV using Arduino Mega board.

• Design low level control code of the UGV and prepare a human-computer interface (HCI) on Matlab for the students to be able to connect easily to it and implement their high level fuzzy or neural network systems.

• Research on the full control system and modeling of a UGV using computational intelligence and full implementation of the high level lesson plan on the vehicle and the said HCI for failure avoidance.