earth care organization

"We are not faced with two separate crises, one environmental and one social, but one complex crisis which is both social and environmental."

Pope Francis

Our mission

ECO: Earth Care Organization

With the directive of the Pope and the blessing of our Pastor this committee has been tasked to help St. Elizabeth (Kansas City, MO) be a more eco-minded community. Through teaching and practicing ecological sustainability, encouraging bridge building to those who are negatively affected by climate change and celebrating God’s natural and social creation, we will be better stewards for our earth. This will provide our children and generations to come with a more stable, peaceful and beautiful home.   

Why care for the environment?

Watch this short video to learn about Pope Francis' call on Catholics to care for our common home. 

Join an ECO Action Team
sign up >

Fratelli Tutti Explained

Laudato Si' (for children)

Laudato Si' is about connection read>


"We need to rethink among other things the question of human power, its meaning and its limits. For our power has frenetically increased in a few decades. We have made impressive and awesome technological advances, and we have not realized that at the same time we have turned into highly dangerous beings, capable of threatening the lives of many beings and our own survival."

Pope Francis - From Laudate Deum

To Read Pope Francis' New Exhortation Click Here 

To Watch a Presentation Of Pope Francis' New Exhortation Click Here

Prayer for our world

By Stephen Davies/CAFOD

Creator God, who made our beautiful world,

appointed us as its guardians

and gifted us with everything we need,

forgive us for the times we cause it harm;

for the times our way of life

affects our neighbors.

Inspire us to care for the environment;

to help rebuild lives and communities;

to share in the griefs and anxieties,

joys and hopes of all your people,

so that all your creation may flourish.
