7 Goals

ECO STE is working with the parish and school community to achieve these goals set forth by the Vatican as we care for our common home.

response to the cry of the earth

  1. Investigate using compostable items for parish activities and eliminating Styrofoam - Lead: Deacon Mike McLean

  2. Investigate using cloth napkins and ceramic cups for parish gatherings. Explore energy efficiencies when adding new appliances to renovated Seton Hall kitchen - Lead: Deacon Mike McLean

  3. Gardening ideas - explore using the parish garden as an outdoor learning center or growing food, "rent" a plot at St. Terese Little Flower to supply fresh food for their food pantry. Lead: Terri Hage

  4. Improve signage and directives for use of parish facilities"

    1. "Press releases" for parish bulletin and signage for trash/recycling bins - Lead: Keely Daly

    2. Getting new recycle bins or converting trash bins to recycle bins in Seton Hall - Lead: Deacon Mike McLean

  5. Recycling glass in Seton Hall

    1. Investigate better ways to recycle glass for activities such as the Knights of Columbus - Lead: Pat Saviano

    2. Investigate youth glass collection businesses - Lead: Martha Kauffman

response to the cry of the poor

  1. Create a closer connection between parish and refugee organizations - Leads: Terri and George Hage

  2. Encourage volunteerism for existing Laudato Si’ - friendly parish organizations - Lead: Traci Angel

  3. Include an environmentally sustainable gift in all the Christmas baskets, e.g., recycle bin for the house, reusable cloths for cleaning vs. paper towels, waxed cloth for covering food - Lead: Terri Hage

ecological economics

  1. Encourage parish to eat more plant-based meals by posting recipes on the ECO StE web page - Lead: Ann Ira

  2. Engage a speaker to talk to interested people in the parish about divesting from fossil fuels/ethical investments and other practical tips - Lead: George Hage

  3. Gather and publish resources for minimalist movement education, “waste happens at the point of consumption” - Lead: Traci Angel

adoption of sustainable lifestyles

  1. Implement a suggestion box either on campus or a QR code for our website to be put on the ECO Board of the StE bulletin - Leads: Keely Daly and George Hage

ecological education

  1. Investigate fostering a joint ecological project between StE school and the El Salvador students, e.g., an art project - Lead: George Hage

  2. Help parish discourage the use of parish trash and recycling dumpsters for personal use - Lead:

ecological spirituality

  1. Work with the liturgical ministry to include references to Laudato Si’ and environmental issues in the homilies, petitions, bulletin. Increase focus around Earth Day (April) and Feast of St. Francis (October) - Lead: George Hage

  2. Organize outdoor prayer services/creation celebration at StE's and/or publicize prayer services in the KCMO area - Lead: Joyce Slater and ECO StE Team

  3. Ask Fr. Greg to petition Bishop Johnston to have outdoor Mass for Earth Day – Lead: Deacon Mike McLean

  4. Organize an adult Eco Retreat - Co-lead: Martha Kauffman need help

community resilience and empowerment

  1. Political activism for environmental or social justice outreach/legislation – Do on Website - Lead: George Hage

  2. Connect with the broader parish (east of Troost) – St Therese Little Flower community garden - Co-leads: Joyce Slater and Terri Hage