Colombus, OH

The Buckeye State has built itself a very interesting statehouse¹, marrying a typical rectangular Greek Revival building with an atypical cylindrical cupola. Its design, was based on a composite of three designs, that was then redesigned by a fourth architect . . . and from the exterior it shows.    

Inside though is a different (and better) story. The first floor that originally housed the coal-fired furnace is now a museum with the Map Room at its center. The Map Room has a mosaic tile floor that is a map of Ohio that consists of 88 tiles, one for each county. The balance of the first floor contains the Ohio Statehouse Museum Education Center and a gift shop. The entire floor is well laid out and a very good use of space. 

The floor above contains the rotunda that contains both the Required and the Unique:

The Required:

The Unique:

The Rotunda of the Ohio Statehouse²

The Ohio Statehouse grounds contain a number of statues . . . but not too many as to clog it all up. Those of note are:

Who am I?

Who am I?

Who am I?

Who am I?

The Spirit of '98 - Chistopher Colombus - The William McKinley Monument

If your 1:00 pm Monday tour of the Ohio Statehouse helps you work up an appetite, you may want to stop by Aracri Pizzeria on Gay. Mainly because the Bud Light bottles are icy cold. 

The $10.99 for two slices "special" seemed a little pricey to me³, but since it was a Monday and most of the nearby restaurants were closed, I didn't have much of a choice.

I was a little wary in that a 3/4 empty plastic bottle of Kamchatka vodka was front and center in an ill-stocked liquor cabinet. And my concerns weren't allayed by the slices of crispy reheated pizza.

On the plus side, photos of Sophia Loren are prominently mounted throughout the brick-walled interior, including the below that was forwarded to me by my wife who realized I had not seen it (the . . . best . . . wife . . . ever!).        

The Aracri Tiramasu 

The Inventory


¹ Ohio calls the building that houses their General Assembly, the Ohio Statehouse. Other states call the building that houses their General Assembly, the State Capitol.   

² For those of you that are not a fan of the War of 1812, the painting The Battle of Lake Eire, depicts Commodore Olver Hazard Perry transferring his flag to the USS Niagara. Still don't know him? Well, he's the guy who said "We have met the enemy and they are ours." 

³ I mean $5.50 a slice? I can buy a whole #$%*&^g pie for only $8.00 in New York City!!