How and What to Write

To keep it simple, you write your characters stories.

The more elaborate explanations, your characters emotions, actions, and dialogue. Within our written world you will come across a variety of characters and situations so you will have to have an idea of how your character, as a person, would act and speak.

There are two man scenarios, so to speak. There are missions and shore leave. While on a mission, you'll likely be working with other writers to solve a problem. A loosely formed round robin style of writing in which you will get to react to and even create situations for your team to deal with. These will last anywhere from six to eight weeks. That being said, in the world of the characters, it may only be a few hours to a couple of days in their lives. Understanding that time if a fluid concept in this type of writing is critical. The other scenario is shore leave. Shore leave is essentially downtime or time off for your character. During this time they can literally go on vacation to an exotic location. Or maybe they'd prefer to have a working shore leave going out on their own or with crewmates on a secret mission. Your imagination is limitless. Shore leave is also the time your character will develop more in-depth relationships with others.

A word on what's appropriate.

This writing group is an adult group. We explore some deep themes, some of which can easily be triggering to even other adults. For all intents and purposes, this group is rated R (MPAA, American rating system). The language and themes, at times, are not appropriate for non-adults. That being said, we are not a smut group. While there may at times be scenes containing sexual content, expressly explicit content is forbidden. If that's what you're looking to write, please seek life elsewhere.

Posting Example

The following is an example of how we make a post:

Verela walked into her commanding officer's office. She wasn't sure what he wanted this time and it wasn't often one was called in like this. She was filled with some apprehension, but mostly just frustrated that she was being called away from her normal duties. As she walked through the corridors, she wondered if any of those that passed her and looked at her knew something she didn't. As she approached his door she stopped and pressed the display on the wall, signalling her arrival.

"I'm here as requested," she stated followed by a brief pause. "As requested."


You'll notice in the above example, that the text is in bold. This is because it is new. Every time you write something new, put it in bold. As there will be overlap from the posts you are responding to. When you copy the post you're responding to, you'll leave in everything but add in spots of your own narrative and continuing narrative and dialogue, see below.

Verela walked into her commanding officer's office. She wasn't sure what he wantedthis time and it wasn't often one was called in like this. She was filled with some apprehension, but mostly just frustrated that she was being called away from her normal duties. As she walked through the corridors, she wondered if any of those that passed her and looked at her knew something she didn't. As she approached his door she stopped and pressed the display on the wall, signalling her arrival.

"I'm here as requested," she stated followed by a brief pause. "As requested."

His officers voice came over the PA system in his office. She was early, as she always was. He appreciated that in an officer. What he didn't appreciate was the way handled things. The way she kept secrets about her plans from him. He was her superior officer, he had every right to know. He let out a long sigh before replying to her.

"Enter," he said flatly but internally annoyed.


Posting is just that simple.

The other things we require is that you title your posts and give locations. That can be done in the subject of the post. And example would be: Uhlan Verela - Overseers's Office, IRW Drahhalho - Here We Go...Again. <Talar>

Rank, name, location, title, who's tagged. While we encourage everyone to read every post by every writer, there are times in our lives we get busy and may not be able to. No worries, you can always read later when you have time. But to be able to keep up with your post requirements and to help facilitate responses, we include who's tagged in a post in the subject.