Worship & Music

To nurture the community Christian worship of this congregation of God’s people as inspiring, celebratory, and centred around the faithful preaching and response to the inspired Word of God, as found in the Bible.

We plan services of worship that include the proclamation of God’s Word, the sacraments of Baptism and the Last Supper of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, time with the children, corporate confession, praise, and prayer.

In concert with our Organist/Director of Music, we schedule, implement, and evaluate

all dimensions of our music ministry, which also includes coordinating our Praise Team/Choir.

We are also responsible for attractive and appropriate seasonal decorations in the sanctuary.

Our greeters and ushers warmly welcome visitors, provide information, distribute worship service bulletins, and receive our monetary gifts during worship.

The minister is ex officio a member of all committees, and is an active participant of this committee.