
Members of Session: Ingrid Kool (Clerk of Session), Blossom Lobo, Ernestine Schonberg, Dorothy Tucker

Moderator of Session: Rev. Robert Royal

Session met 11 times during 2010.

The Session is responsible for areas of worship, pastoral care, education, fellowship, finance, maintenance, mission and outreach. At St. Andrew's, we have committees that address and nurture each of these areas. We are grateful for the leadership of each chairperson and for the people who work together on these committees to keep the ministry of St. Andrew's vibrant.

A few highlights of 2010:

I was encouraged by all the activities and growth this past year. In April, Ashley Lobo became the new chairperson of our Sunday school. It's so wonderful to see our young people taking on leadership roles. In April, our Sunday school children and teachers took part in communion for the first time. They have continued to do so on every communion Sunday. In September we began a Nursery, and 8 people signed up to take a Sunday to look after our little ones during the service. In October, your elders attended a Saturday morning workshop. It was a great opportunity to meet other elders and to discuss our duties and responsibilities to God, each other, and our church. Last be not least, the painting and restoration of the outside of our church: it's white again!

Communion was served 13 times and had an average of 41 people taking part.

Members: 68 Adherents: 35

I want to personally thank the members of session for their commitment, hard work, and sacrifice in serving this congregation. I also want to keep our eyes on the prize! Philippians 3:14 - I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Ingrid Kool, Clerk of Session