Welcome to St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Maple!

Please join us for our Weekly Services at Sundays at 10:30 am.

For details on how to connect to our Live Stream services and to get the service outline, please go here.

We are a Presbyterian Church in the Village of Maple, City of Vaughan, in the Presbytery of Oak Ridges.  We have been providing ministry in our community since 1829.  I invite you to look around and get a feel for our church. 

Feel free to contact us to share any comments or questions that might be on your mind. If you're not currently a member of our church - we'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to our 10:30 am Sunday Service. 

We hope you and your family will have a warm and spirit-filled experience with us as we worship and fellowship together at our services, events, and ministries. 

Many blessings to you,

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

Our Vision

To be followers of Jesus Christ who are committed to sharing the love of God within our Maple and global communities