With the threat of COVID-19 we will have some additional items in our first aid kit. Whilst it is not appropriate for us to use PPE, I will ensure that we have some protective equipment should we need to administer first aid to a child who is exhibiting symptoms of coronavirus.

Our kit will contain the additional following items:

● Disposable gloves

● Disposable apron

● Disposable fluid-resistant face mask

● Eye protection (i.e. plastic goggles)

● Electronic thermometer (Optional)

Unless the student is displaying obvious symptoms of COVID-19, the first aider should continue to administer the appropriate first aid without the need to wear PPE. Should the student be displaying symptoms then we will follow the next set of guidelines.

Dealing With Suspected COVID-19 Symptoms & Positive Tests

As of the time of writing, the symptoms of COVID-19 as outlined by the UK Government are as follows:

● a new continuous cough

● a high temperature (over 37.8 degrees Celsius)

● a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

If a student becomes unwell with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) whilst they are with us, we will offer direct personal care until they can return home. A fluid-resistant surgical face mask will be worn by the first aider if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained. If contact with the student is necessary, then disposable gloves, a disposable apron and a fluid-resistant surgical face mask will be worn by the first aider and possibly eye protection if a risk assessment determines that there is a risk of splashing to the eyes, for example from overt coughing, spitting, or vomiting.

Should a student exhibit signs of coronavirus with us, we will take the following action:

We will isolate the student from the rest of their stage and teacher

● We will contact you (the parent) and ask you to come and collect the child

● We will ask you to get your child tested and inform me of the result

● I will then need to inform the rest of the parents upon collection of the potential case

● I will need to inform the venue of the potential case

● If the test is negative, I will then inform all and proceed as usual

● If the test is positive then I will inform the venue, parents, teachers. Cancel our Stagecoach school for 2 weeks, advising all concerned to self-isolate for 14 days. This also applies if a member of the team or I test positive. We will however continue to offer Stagecoach via Zoom instead.

first aid certificates

First Aid Certificate 2019.pdf
First aid certificate.pdf
First Aid Certificate-1.pdf
First aid certificate May 2019 Paul Bruce.pdf
Neils nursing certificates.pdf