Eco Awareness

30 things WE can do to reduce our HUMAN FOOTPRINTS


1. Eat locally grown foods.

2. Don’t waste food.

3. Buy sustainable fish and grass fed meat.

4. Eat more produce and less meat.

Energy/Fossil Fuels

1. Wait to wash clothes only when they’re actually dirty.

2. Use surge protectors and turn the power off when you don’t need it.

3. Walk or bike more, drive less.

4. Turn off the lights when you leave a room.

5. Reduce how often you fly in planes.

6. Reduce use of fossil fuels (coal, gasoline, etc.)

7. Switch out your light bulbs to more energy efficient ones (CFL or LED).

8. Be sure to fill up the washer/dryer when washing clothes.

9. Buy energy saving appliances and windows.

10. Turn the air conditioning down 2 degrees in the winter and up 2 degrees in the summer.

11. Unplug electronic power cords when not in use.

Reduce & Reuse

1. Buy products with less packaging, or buy in bulk.

2. Use re-usable food packaging (Tupperware, reusable ziplocs, etc.)

3. Wear hand-me-downs.

4. Take shorter showers.

5. Use old toys.

6. Recycle cell phones and other electronics.

7. Don’t leave the water running (when washing your hands, brushing teeth, etc.).

8. Start a compost pile.

9. Use re-usable water bottles (and coffee cups!!).

10. Useless (and ideally eco-friendly) body products (i.e. lotion, etc.)

11. Carpool whenever possible

12. Re-use paper (use both sides, etc).

13. Wait to water your lawn/plants after fertilizing them.

14. Buy clothes and furniture at thrift and consignment shops.

15. Recycle whenever possible