
November 18 is the thirty-second meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. The registration is on Eventbrite.

Systems Thinking and Technology for Dialogic Design

The June and July sessions on "Evolution of systemic practices for transformation" discussed the practice and theory of dialogic design science.

This session will demonstrate the latest SDD community software, including logosofia (now being used in courses in the OCAD U Strategic Foresight and Innovation program) and the Future Worlds Center’s Idea Prism.


  • Room 287 (OCAD U., 100 McCaul Street, Level 2, small conference room at the end of the hall)

Suggested pre-reading:

Additional recommended readings include any of the Featured Articles at http://www.globalagoras.org/publications/

Participants should not feel limited to this suggested pre-reading, but should recognize that other attendees may have not read, or are reading differently, that article.


Post-meeting artifacts

Bloggers are encouraged to write about their learning and experiences at the meeting. Links will be added to this page.